
What will be the next scam after global warming?

by Guest63420  |  earlier

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I know some possibilities, maybe when I grow up I'll make a worldwide scam just like Al Gore did.

The internet has too many websites and the supercomputers can't store any more. The computers will blow up if you don't stop making websites.

The water is evaporating and not raining anymore due to the increase of.... of...talking. If you don't stop talking the water will soon run out.

Global-losing air: We keep pumping to much air, helium and all kinds of **** into balloons, and blowing air. This will cause earth to run out of air and everyone will suffercate to death.

So... whats your guys?





  2. It will probably that we have to go to war with Iran because the consensus of intelligent agents says they have weapons of mass destruction.

    After all, why would intelligent officials have to lie?  They have to be telling the truth.

    And Pat Roberson and Newt Gingrich both say we need to attack Iran to protect the country.

  3. "GLOBAL WOBBLE" Due to the imbalance of population on the planet, the earth is in danger of Abrupt Global Wobble. If we don't act soon, the earth will start to wobble and we will experience severe earthquakes, massive tidal waves, and magnetic storms that will interfere with television reception. In order to save the Earth from peril,  People in China and India must move to the North American continent to balance the globe.

    Scientists around the world ALL AGREE, and funding for research is needed. "We're thinking $5-$10 billion ought to cover it." says Al Gore on an ABC Special Report.

    Students at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana reported last week that a special scientific study they performed shows conclusively a direct correlation  between the earth's temperature and the number of pirates in the world. Their study shows, without question, as the number of pirates decreased, there was a significant increase in temperature around the world. They are asking for a government grant of $25 million dollars to build pirate ships. These they will use to sail around the world and recruit people to become pirates. They believe in doing this, they will be able to reduce the global mean temperature by as much as .07degrees Celsius  by the year 2020.

  4. Hello from France,

    Here you know we don't have petrol that why we some say we have ideas .....

    I test a concept of globale water management  and icreate an association to promote the  solution of the problems of water and climat for the futur.

    A lot of human activities modify the water cyle  ( not enough infiltrations, too much runoff and overpumping of underground water )

    The result is enlargment of deserts and drylands all over the planete and more dry air in atmophere in lower parts.

    That why the water have to circulate in a smaller space  and then accelerate ( more storms ,faster, ....)

    Untill now the scientists present the co2 as the more important factor which modify the climate and they hide the underground  water problem and the effect on climate.

    Some scientists start to change and agree with the new concept.

    The phenomenous of dryness is also the factor of increasing of co2 because of the no- recycling of co2 .

    In the futur the global warming will continue and that why we will have to apply the globale water resources management.

    This will restore the  climate and will become the key of sustainable developpment.

    This concept consist of catching the runoff water by level canals  on the side of rivers  to send it by following the same level curves to infiltrate in deep space of the earth.

    If you need more explanations just write " gestion globale de l'eau"on google.

  5. Evolution and gravity.  They're all just liberal hoaxes.

  6. Global Cooling.  Didn't you know that whether the earth cools or heats up its all our fault.  So no matter what happens Gore is right cuz hes covered all his bases.

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