
What will be the next step after you realized that your decision is wrong?

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and you cannot go back to the time and to the situation before you made that decision?

What will be the next best step?




  1. No one complete in this word just God, so we all do mistakes. But a few of us have the courage to say that they are wrong, and try to repair their mistakes. So I hope that when I do a mistake I have the courage to say that I am wrong and fixed my mistakes.

  2. Congratulate myself that i have eliminated yet another error in thought and can now choose again...more wisely.  Edison knew that every failure brought him one step closer to success through its elimination as a possibility.  Voila!  The light (bulb) came on after a series of mis-steps, side trips, and brick walls.  We learn from our mistakes and carry on with more confidence, knowing that we need not repeat the previous error in thinking, for we have opened the way with more clarity and wisdom now available to us.  

    i am Sirius

  3. You correct yourself, and the consequences of your decision before they manifest.

  4. You cannot realize that your decision was wrong... to 'realize' that is a decision was wrong implies that at the time of making the decision, the realisation was not present, that the decision was made with good intent and ignorance of 'wrongness'... therefore the decision was right... and the rightness of a moment then can not be detracted from with the insight of the moment now.

    We can only do our best given our current level of awareness and understanding, we can only choose from the variety of choices in any given moment of which 1) we have some capability of perceiving and  2) the freedom to act upon.

    To come to an understanding that a decision was ‘wrong’ you have discovered some new way of perceiving. This means that it would be, should you have arrived at a point of similar decision, an inappropriate choice now,  The next best step is as always: look at the moment in which you stand, look beneath and beyond the veil of your perception, how is really to be here. What does this moment require for you to be in harmony, to dance with it. Each moment is a potential. Another choice, the decision that brought you here is neither good nor bad. You cannot go back of course but neither forward!

    The step can only be to love your moment, appreciate the joy of potential it holds for you to create. Each step is the best step. In each step contains everything you need. Each step is perfect for you at that moment. Judge not the step, nor the taker of steps or the moment they create together. Forgive the perception of inaccuracy and love it. Love your being to wholeness and you will discover that the steps are like heartbeats. They carry you nowhere, you are already here.

    Blessings on your steps and on your beautiful humble imperfect decisions! It is the steps that we take in the darkness which create momentum for fresh steps to be taken. It is our unfolding into light that gives us life. Do not feel shame for the mistakes we must inevitably make. Our mistakes are our divine teachers. All things are only visible when the opposite is also true. If everything was tinted with one shade of perfection we could not experience the joy of recognition for there would be nothing to perceive.

  5. Keep on going. Wrong decision serves you a good lesson. Next time around you face the same problem will no longer bring you to the same decision you made. You will learn better from that mistake. Wrong decisions makes you a better person. It is where you draw the line to have a better decision next time. Life must go on!

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  6. Suck it up, fess up and try not to make the same mistake again. We are human, falling over is how we learn to stand up.

  7. That question could have to many variables. Learn from it and move on. Try not to make the same mistake again.

  8. Damage control.

  9. You either retract your decision or you go through with it.

  10. If i do wrong and take a wrpng step i dont want to repeat it again,if i do it again i take a step which likely to be wipe out the past mistake.

  11. Tell your brain next time. "Hey brain, remember that time I made that decision and I couldn't go back? Well, what should I do now?"

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