
What will be the next supersonic passenger aircraft?

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And when will it be produced!! I miss the Concorde!




  1. wont happen in my lifetime, not unless they devise another form of engine. i pretty much think the first answer hit the nail on the head, i was quite impressed with it actually considering it was from a female. {no offence ment to females, its just they dont normally no much about anything with an engine}

  2. I think the next supersonic passenger aircraft will be the "space plane".  With fuel prices continuing to raise and the superior fuel efficiencies of todays modern aircraft engine - I just don't see another supersonic passenger aircraft for another 25 to 30 years.  You figure it will take another 10 to 15 years to develop new materials and advances in engines to make supersonic flight cost effective.

    I do think a plane that will take off from JFK and landing in Tokyo in 2 or 3 hours is going to be a reality at some point.  The plane that makes that trip with be a "space plane" where it gets to enormous heights near or in space (similar to the Concorde but even higher and faster).  I worked on the Science Committee in the House of Representatives back in the early 1990's and that was a project that was always being talked about.  That Committee always seemed to be 20 or 30 years ahead - for instance we used to do hearing on HDTV - no one knew what that was back in 1990.

  3. Not the same mistake twice.  Everyone loved the Concorde. It was beautiful, fast and everyone wished they could have ridden on it.  The price of a ticket was five times the regular price for a trans Atlantic ticket.  12 billion (1960s) dollars was spent to produce only 16 operational aircraft.  It was one of the most spectacular debacle in history.  The very people who paid for the aircraft the tax payers of England and France could not afford to fly on it and it became a ride for the rich and famous.


    Because of it's poor economics and the sonic boom problem there will never be another supersonic airliner.


  4. I doubt there will be.  Not unless there's a way to make it

    1- Cost effective.  Concorde was definitely not.  It's not gonna work if average folks like us can't afford to travel on it.

    2- Environmentally friendly.  Difficult to justify the excess consumption of fuel (whatever the source) to get a few folks to a destination a few hours early, when conventional jets cruise at .70-.80 Mach now.

    3- Inexpensive to buy.  Airlines will need something cheap enough to operate that they can buy sufficient numbers.  Otherwise it'll look great--in a museum.

    Finally, there's no demand.  The flying public is not demanding more speed.  They ARE demanding better service.  Airlines would be best off concentrating on fixing the service issue:  antiquated air traffic control which doesn't exploit the latest in technology, airports that make it inconvenient for passengers to easily move from one concourse to another.

    How about shelling out some money to have jetways empty through ALL the aircraft doors?  Jetways were designed in the early 1970's when aircraft didn't have the passenger loads they do today.

  5. i love the concorde too but,sad to say,boeing planned a supersonic plane but,they cancelled it in 2003.the EU is already planning a HYPERsonic has scimtar engines and can fly from london to new york in 2 hours EMISSION-FREE because it runs on HYDROGEN.

  6. The QSST is being considered as a replacement business jet for the Concorde...looks pretty sweet!

    Low noise, little or no sonic boom and supersonic travel with a range of 4000 miles.

  7. I loved Concorde too.  I do not think it is likely that they will produce another supersonic passenger aircraft.  It proved too costly to run and couldn't carry enough passengers to make it more fuel efficient and cheaper.  It was great, it was certainly for the elite, but it has to be slim and small to make supersonic speeds and therefore it would be too contraversial these days in terms of pollution.

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