
What will be the solution if a dispute arises between two wives regarding one husband?

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A husband married two women,both of them seek priority from the husband,in such a situation the husband may become helpless!




  1. when the husband dies

  2. Let us forget about legality of having two wives for a moment. If a man has this fate, he should spend some time with one wife and some time with the other. He will be able to please both of them by providing whatever they want. Otherwise he would have married tow ladies. A proper routine will emerge by passage of time and you cannot hear any complaint from any one..  

  3. well the only religion allowing 2 hubbys is islam and the clause is that both must be treated equally and be given equal time

    but the greater point is why r these 2 women fighting over such a low grade man

    he has taken on two wives and the 2 wives need to have some self respect and leave him

    for gods sake who wants a man who has 2 wives you must be able to do better for yourself

    id say both of the wives should dump him and move on

    as for the husband being helpless who asked him to take on 2 wives  

  4. nothing apart from GPL

  5. noo...all the husband needs to do is distribute his services one day he gives one wife the service of his tongue and the other the service of his d i c k and the next day the vice versa!!

  6. The more fool he. He should have been content with one.

  7. A man marrying two women ? I really do not think the marriage is legal unless and otherwise the person is Muslim.

    When such a person marries more than one women he should be able to provide and take care of all his wives. He should put up a schedule and see that he spends sufficient time with both his wives. If not it will be pure h**l for him and matter may turn even worse !

  8. If polygamy is legal in your country I would imagine that the one married to him first would take priority over the second wife.

    Anyway thanks for the two points.

  9. The first legally married wife has full priority. U become helpless if both wives unite and try to tear u apart.

  10. If they had any brains; but I doubt they would or they could each find their own man......they could gang up on him, take everything he has and throw him out onto the street.

    He should learn not to disrespect his wife...let alone 2 of

  11. Since the husband can go to jail because it is against the law in the United States to have two wives I think the judge would probably split everything and anulled both marriages

    I think I have no knowledge here to help you.

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