
What will be the weather in goa around 20th Jun + 6 days.. or how is june in term of weather?

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What will be the weather in goa around 20th Jun + 6 days.. or how is june in term of weather?




  1. In normal course by mid June rainy season starts. However,at the start of the season there may not be severe rains.  You may check up the weather with the help of following site:

  2. If you want to enjoy rain-dance in Goa its the best time. The weather will be rainy otherwise you can not enjoy rain dance with frogs, duly dressed in frog-style. Is itn't ?

  3. this is no time to visit Goa.rains are heavy beaches are dirty as all the filth the sea has taken during peak season is thrown back to the beaches.yes if you want to stay indoor most welcome

  4. The monsoons are about to start now and there would be rain in that time but not necessarily everyday.

    Temperaturewise.... warm! Everything gets greener and it's lovely to watch the rain fall from or hear it on the rooftops.

    I love this time of the year!!!!!

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