
What will be there to control the crude oil prices increase in future?

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how to control the crude oil prices increase.




  1. I remember in one of his  films  Kamalahasan at Delhi railway station asks a co passenger desperately waiting for train "when the train will come?"

    The  co passenger says "Bhagavani Jani  !!!!  mmm.. Oh be kaisi Jani  !!

    Will this dialogue suit your question

  2. Two things control the price of oil (or anything else for that matter).  Supply and Demand.  Governments can try to control prices through rationing and price caps, but all that does is create shortages (see: late 1970's economy and long gas lines).

    On the Demand side it takes significant demand destruction (fuel efficient cars/homes, less leisure travel, an outright recession in the U.S., or removal of subsidies on gas in India or China) to curb demand growth, which will then reign in prices.


    Our government could open up drilling options to increase supply.

    I wish our politicians would take an economics course.  Had they opened up drilling options 10 years ago when the price spiked in 1991 we wouldn't be near $100/Bbl oil with all the drilling that would've transpired then.

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