
What will be this in Hindi or any other Indian language?

by Guest44959  |  earlier

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I read about myrrh ( I am sure these are sold in India but don't know the name? Last question: Is kapoor (which we burn in prayers, camphor? Thanks.




  1. 1 ) -Frankincense or olibanum (Arabic language: Loban) is an aromatic resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia, particularly Boswellia sacra (syn. B. carteri, B. thurifera) (Burseraceae).

    It is used in incense as well as in perfumes.

    In Indian language Hindi it is called " Dhoop"

    Click the links below for more detailed information-

    It is also used for " Agarbattee " or incense sticks .

    Click on the link below -

    2 ) - Myrrh - What is Myrrh?

    Myrrh is a pleasant smelling resin which is derived from the Commiphora myrrha trees which grow in Arabia and portions of Africa. In the Old Testament, myrrh is depicted as a prized good for trade and as being important for cultic anointing.

    Myrrh, along with gold and frankincense, are the gifts supposedly brought to Jesus by the three magi just after he was born.

    Myrrh has been very popular in the past as an ingredient in incense, perfumes, etc., in the holy oil of the Jews and the Kyphi of the Egyptians for embalming and fumigations.

    Medicinal Action and Uses: Myrrh has been one of the most desired and sought after items in the world even before the baby Jesus received Myrrh as a gift, over 2000 years ago. The bible mentions it over 22 times, and it was used as incense in religious rituals.

    The Egyptians believed in its healing powers: they burned Myrrh every day as part of their worshipping rituals. In the Greek culture when soldiers went to battle is was an essential part of their combat gear because of myrrh's extremely high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It was used to clean wounds and to prevent infection. It was also used to prevent the spread of gangrene in already infected parts of the body.

    Toothpowders and tooth pastes use Myrrh, which is a common ingredient for these products.

    It is often used with borax in tincture, along with other ingredients, as a mouth-wash.

    It was used in embalming, as a cure for cancer, leprosy, and syphilis. Myrrh, mixed with coriander and honey, was used to treat herpes. It was used as an anti-infectous, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and as a tonic.

    Myrrh collection: Little appears to be definitely known about the collection of myrrh. It is probable that the best resin comes from Somaliland, is bought at the fairs of Berbera by the Banians of India, shipped to Bombay, and there sorted. The best usually arrives in Europe; the worst being sent to China. The true myrrh is known as karam, formerly called Turkey myrrh, and the opaque bdellium as meena harma.

    More on the link -

    3 ) All about Kapoor OR  Camphor is on the link ( It s called Karpuram in Sanskrit and many other Indian languages )

    Camphor(Karpuram or Kaapur ) and Naphthalene are two different .read about it on the link below -

    Naphthaline is not a plant product .It is derived from Coal tar.

  2. lobhan is another one

  3. Kapoor is camphor.

    Myrrh is Ral or Loban and

    frankincense is Uad (ood) in Hindi.

    These are the fragrant substances used in religious functions.

    Others include Guggal. chandan and agaroo.

    Frankincense is from Boswellia sacra plant.

  4. Myrrh, frankincense in  hindi is called "DOOP" it is what is put in burning coal to get smoke mostly during pujas.

    U gan ge it at your local grocer ask him for Doop if does not understand then narrate this "put in burning coal to get smoke mostly during pujas"

    Also agarpati is a form of myrrh.

    no kapur is not the same as caphor(Neptaline balls)

    Kapur is more refined not to give the bad smoke.

  5. myrrh is guggul in indian name - used in worship, blends well with frankincense - its also type of guggul called as salai guggul. both are small shrubs.

    ya camphor is kapoor

    brands available - can be searched on internet as all are available as incense sticks(agarbati's)  

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