
What will be your gas price limit?

by  |  earlier

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when will the price get so ridiculously high that you will refuse to buy another cent of it?




  1. parked my car.just going to use my motorcycle

  2. i dont have an option i need to drive everyday

  3. 6$ per gallon lol stupid goverment and iraq & iran giv us some gas  or send us back to the old days

  4. Where I live I do not have a choice but to drive. No bus lines, subways or trains. Cabs are few and expensive. Yes riding a bike but that will only work in the summer time and it is 16 miles to work and you cannot carry things on a bike.

  5. i live near detroit so it sucks because theres no other

    way i can get around in my area without a car

    so even if it goes above 5$ i gotta pay

  6. $4 kind of hurts right now...

    I'll be able to swing for $5 or even $5.50, but once it gets to 6....ill be driving a lot less...

    Need to start getting into shape so i can ride my bike everywhere i need to go.

  7. Anything over 3.99 a gallon ,I think that would just dang dumb.

  8. well there some cities in Europe that pay like $6 almost $7 per gallon, I hope we don't get that bad but we might you never know...

  9. 5.00 I don't even have a car yet i am only 15 soon 16 and i am not looking forward to the gas prices. Just go to school and back pretty much. I wish they would go down. But so does everyone else!!!

  10. $6 dollars! but in 2 years when I'm 16..who knows if it'll be that! But I'm hoping not & I have the faith!

  11. Actually, the price of gas is reported to have plateaued already. It's gonna hover around current prices and then (MAYBE) drop, but not by much. So if anything, I would probably have no choice but to pay current prices.

    Really quickly, I'd like to address the earlier comment about Europeans having to pay $6 or $7 for gas. That might be true, but you'd have to consider the dollar's low stature as of recent. I'm no economist, but I think if you were to adjust for the difference we'd both be paying around the same....just a thought.

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