
What will bring us out of this recession and when?

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What will bring us out of this recession and when?




  1. About 2 years from now we will truly know if oil does hit 200 a barrel.

    Well If India and China purchased oil from Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, that would be a big start.

  2. There are  a million right and wrong answer's  to this question. Many believe that just having a democrat in the white house will pull us up by our economic boot straps . But inevitably , it isnt going to be more taxing and government spending that the dems are notorious for that is going to help our battered economy. The economy is getting hurt for various reasons , but the first and foremost is our dollar. The U.S dollar is struggling against the euro and other up and coming currencies . We need to "re-invent" ourselves so to speak . Just as it was America that lead the world in innovation  in manufacturing and technology in  the 20th century . We must now go to the forefront of the new global green revolution , we need to invest in renewable energy and technology and focus heavily on educating our own people . These things must be implemented to stimulate our ever older ever tireder economic infrastructure

  3. What recession?   We aren't currently in one.   Last quarters GDP growth was .6%...and that's the unrevised figure...they are saying the revised figure will be 1%.   That's not negative growth.... thus no recession.

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