
What will china do when they have used all the endangered species in the wild?

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What will they use in their Chinese medicine?




  1. China still have tens thousands of  wolves.

    The U.S. had to import wolves from Canada and "repopulate" them around Yellowstone.

    China still have tiger.

    European lions were wiped out thousands years ago. Think about the Romans...have animals killing each other for fun.

    China still have lots of large predators.

    There is hardly anything in Europe and North America.

    Chinese did not mass killing and wiped out North American buffalo and left them on all over the field SKINLESS.

    Chinese did not sit on elephants and shot tens thousands of tigers in just 19th century...British did that in India.

    Chinese did not have tigers/lions/bears kill each other and have bored people bet on who win with money....Europeans and Americans did!

    (For all the things above...keep in mind that Chinese have been living in China for THOUSANDS of years. While Europeans settlers only arrived in America for a few hundred years)

    China does not point finger and trash talk people for no reason.

    Americans all yell at China on daily basis after being brainwashed by their mainstream media's China-bashing propaganda.

    Just because some of your modern laws updated in the last A FEW does NOT change the fact Europeans/Americans/white are responsible for the majority disappeared and endangered species.

    Same with human rights and pollution issues.   Look at yourselves in the mirror.

  2. If we can provide a superior alternative, they may adopt that.

    But recall that these species have been borderline at risk for a long time. The question we may need to address  with them, and quickly is how to preserve these species while at the same time providing needed medicines.  It is ever so hard to persuade people to stop using plants or animals they perceive as life sustaining to themselves with no offer of assistance.  

  3. Just like they do with lumber and other resources, they'll import it from the 3rd world.

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