
What will do with all the old car bodies when oil is too expensive to feed to cars?

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What will do with all the old car bodies when oil is too expensive to feed to cars?




  1. 1) remelt the metal for other things.

    a) Trains,

    b) Busses,

    c) Airplanes,

    d) smaller, more fuel-efficent cars, as well.

    We will always need new trains, busses, airplanes, and cars even if oil is $10.00 a gallon.

  2. sell and buy horse,cow,buffalo or camel.

  3. this is why I maintain that buying a hybrid car will NOT help the environment...

    Hybrid cars still burn gas.

    when you trade your old car, the dealer does not wreck it (unless its in REALLY bad shape but 90% of the cars traded in are still running)

    therefore, your old car mearly gets a new home! the new owner may drive it more then you did!

    So buying the hybrid may help YOU personally, the over all picture is that you have just contributed to more cars on the road!

    The Oil companies LOVE hybrid cars because they keep the demand up! IMO - hybrids are simply a marketing ploy by car makers to keep the public interested in buying cars.

    but not enough to upset the oil companies, who obviously "have the car manufacturers in their shirt pockets"

    see these two links:

    also, we dont known yet how the hybrids will hold up. There are still some very old cars running daily. If the hybrid does not outlast the remaining life of your old car, then there is ZERO benefit gained by your purchase of a hybrid.

    The only way to gain a benefit as such, is to buy a 100% electric car. Then, at least, where ever you go, there will be an immediate savings in gas, assuming your old car is not run more than you ran it. (if it is, we are still at net, zero until your car is totally retired)

    the good news is that gas cars may be retiring faster than expected with the skyrocketing price of gas. 10.00 a gallon will be the new norm! People are walking from their SUVs now, int eh future, they will also be walking from their regular gas burning cars!

  4. After few years there will be new cars which will not use the oil but they will use the water.And the bodies will be melted for the new invention

  5. I'm going to make my own army of transformers!  More Than Meets the Eye!!

  6. Same thing we do with them now:  Recycle them.  Iron is one of only a few materials that do not degenerate as you recycle them.  It's just as strong the 20th time you melt it down and reform it as it was the first time it was poured.

  7. fill them up with very naughty boys

  8. Send them to Cuba

  9. Recyclable, no problem.  Unless environmentalists keep driving the cost of everything up.  Then as has been said, there will be no fuel to melt the cars.  There will be old car bodies strewn around economically destroyed countries.  

    So, instead, we should drill, drill, drill.  If the polar bears get in the way, drill them too.  They just eat caribou and seals anyway.

    What a crazy world; first it's save the seals, now it's save the polar bear so they can eat the seals.

  10. They can and will be recycled just like every other piece of metal these days.  We are even getting much better at recycling plastics.  I have seen two houses, whose composite siding was made from recycled plastics and other materials.  Of course this was after some expensive processes and testing due to plastics beinng capable of breaking down into some hazardous substances under certain conditions.

    We are also performing research into reversing the process of producing plastics, in order to produce more viable and varied forms for different applications.

  11. When that happens, oil will not be needed driving down the price and we will be able to afford to once again feed our cars till their fat.

  12. Old cars make new ones and change the combustion energy to hydrogen and use animal fat instead of fossil oil.

  13. Give 'em a good shock so that they will once again move the earth as automobile monsters and haunt the evil gas companies...

  14. How can old cars be recycled if there is not enough oil/energy to remelt them? They will just sit and rust.

    Look carefully at the Airline Passenger Industry - 24 bankrupt so far this year - there may be NO Air Passenger services.

    If enviros destroy the economy like some of them have planned - you may have to grow your own food or fight for food.

    And your going to vote the enviros in office again to finish our economy off?

    But these enviros are very small minded - they will have killed the goose that laid the golden egg (our economy).

  15. create artifical reefs in the ocean with them,?

    fill in the grand canyon?

    build a bridge of cars from here to the moon?

    no wait......I saw this guy once, who built a replica of STONEHENGE using old Pontiacs,

    or. I guess, we COULD just recycle the metal.....but.......

    nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that is so BORRRRIINNGG!

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