
What will eventually happen to Iran, since they don't want to stop enrichment?

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What will eventually happen to Iran, since they don't want to stop enrichment?




  1. The government of Iran, specifically the Mullahs and Ayatollahs and Ahmadinejad are too unstable and irresponsible to be trusted with nuclear weapons.

    One way or another Iran will be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons.

    There are several ways to accomplish this.

    One of course is to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities.

    Unfortunately the Iranian nuclear facilities are located in populated areas.

    An attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities would result in very large numbers of casualties among innocent civilians.

    A better response and the response that I recommend is to blockade the ports of Iran to prevent Iran from exporting any oil.

    Iran receives over 80% of its revenue from the export of oil. If you shut off the export of oil, then you shut off the source of money that Iran needs to buy Uranium Technology on the black market.

    Fortunately Iran lacks the technical know how to produce nuclear weapons material on their own. They must buy the technology on the black market, and that is very expensive.

    Without the money from the export of oil, Iran cannot buy nuclear weapons technology.

    A blockade of Iranian ports will result in little or no loss of innocent civilian lives and will be just as effective at stopping the Iraninan nuclear weapons program as an attack on the nuclear weapons producing facilities themselves.


  2. Probably nothing, they will just join the long list of countries that have nuclear weapons.  That is why diplomacy with all countries is more important than ever before.  The old formula of might-makes-right is no good anymore.

  3. Hopefully good sense will prevail - is not a question of making their point - is a too dangerous situation for mankind to treat these issues as simply a part of a playing board.

  4. The last time I checked, Iran was still a sovereign nation!!!

    Who appointed the US to dictate Iranian state of affairs?!

    If they want to enrich uranium, LET THEM! IT'S THEIR BUSINESS.

    Who are we to say no when we ourselves have nuclear weapons? How would we feel if Canada told us we couldn't make our own weapons?

    Think about it.

  5. Iran has oil reserves the Queen of england has tried to steal for years. the truth is Iran is at least 10 yrs from any weapon, if they were even close to a weapon Israel would have nuked them into oblivion.  the news on Irans nuke is being broadcast by the same liars that told us that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    The attack on Iran will give the gloabl eleite to order our president to declare martial law. then there will be a total police state in the United states. thus enslaving the population, those who refuse to be good little slaves then will be ushered into the fema camps across the country just as hitler did the Jews, and then to dissapear.

  6. They will get nuked !

  7. Israel will attack Iran's nuclear capabilities; Iran will retaliate; Israel will go to war with Iran; Russia and North Korea will jump in to help their ally Iran; the US and the UK will jump in to help our ally Israel; the rest of the world will choose a side based on which side they think will win; World War III will ensue; we will run out of fuel; we will run out of food; people will start killing each other just to survive; the world will fall into anarchy; then, one person will be able to bring peace to the world and convince everyone to lay down their weapons and form a one-world government with one-world currency and a one-world religion in order to have tolerance among the people and unify the world under one flag and one "hope" for the future.

    Oh, and it will all happen on December 12, 2012.    :)

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