
What will government mandated insurance REALLY cost Americans?

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I'm NOT asking about the decline in quality of care here. My concern here is in dollars out of the American wallet. Will it cost thirty dollars out of every hundred dollars a person grosses on the paycheck, or more or less?

What will the cost of the beurocracy be alone to manage this legislation?

If the medical cost is "shifted" progressively to tax the wealthy & business world at a higher cost, what will be the increase in cost for the American consumer in goods/services manufactured/sold to the public?

Last but not least...can Americans afford this legislation considering the current state of both our economy & the shrinking buying power of the federal reserve note???




  1. people expect way to much from the government & It would be a blank check to every major pharmaceutical corp.  

  2. An arm and a leg. Which they will be happy to re-attach in 4-6 years after they wade through the backlog of new patients who are running to the doctor for every little thing now that it's "free."

  3. a bundle

  4. The overall impact of universal coverage on total health care costs would be an increase 3-6% in total health care spending in the U.S., less than the annual inflation in health care spending (8.7% in 2001) in the current health care system.

    Kaiser Commission.

    If you want to bother to read the entire findings...they will verify and fully explain why universal healthcare is far more affordable than our current system, not to mention far more can read it here:

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