
What will had happened if the mankind was not given mouth to speak?

by  |  earlier

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most problems come because of using wrong words




  1. We'd stop asking stupid questions.

  2. Assuming that there was an alternate way to eat, I would say we would probably find an alternate way to communicate as well (such as body language). However, I doubt that "language" would be as extensive as the one we have, and because less words would be available people would probably "say" the wrong thing even more.

    Although I disagree that most problems come from using the wrong words. I think that most problems come from the wrong actions and choices.

  3. Sign language!

  4. We would have starved to death.


  6. We Speak, Laugh, Cry, Shout, Scold, Praise, Sing, Call and Kiss using our Mouth, without which we would not have been able to do all those. Without a Mouth there would not have been any sound to utter - without a sound there would not be any need to hear (since there is nothing to hear) and we would not have ears for that reason. And so, we would have lost all out battles and wars!

    You know why?

    'Cause, a soldier would not be able to wear a helmet or a cap on his head without the support of the two ears where a cap/hat/helmet gets seated. So, without sight, no battles can be won. This also says that we can not see!

    We eat with out Mouth too, isnt it? Without Mouth, we would have gone hungry for years and years! Just think of the same - we go dumb, deaf, blind, hungry, capless and there are so many other issues also, that may come up without a mouth. So, I'm sure its better that the mouth is there and the mouth is right there, where it should be - Up Above the Body! Hehehehe ... Take Care!

  7. He would not eating or speak.

    Funny question

  8. we would all be telepathic!

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