
What will happen after the forecast of earthquake?

by  |  earlier

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if there's no forecast, many people may be hurt after the real huge earthquake; if there's unsure forecast, what should people do? So is the forecast of earthquake possible?




  1. Even though several persons claims many method for prediction nothing is 100 % perfect. Therefore people mind should accept if there is no earthquake they should feel  they are safe.If the earthquake strikes they should feel they are saved. But people are not prepared to take safety measures unless our warning proved 100 % correct. That is why I am working in early warning system from the past 7 years.That has proved correct on several occasions. I am the one issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast. Some section of people are appreciating me.Where as some section are criticizing me.What to do.It is the fat of our world.

  2. They can't predict earthquakes with any accuracy.

    They can only study them historically and say how frequently they occur in a given area.  That way if that area hasn't had one for 24 years, and they usually have one every 16 years,  they can say one is expected.

    But they have absolutely no idea when.

  3. I will quit the earth.

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