
What will happen if I took 4 tablets of Panadol at a time??

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i'm 18 year old girl..

I don't have headache or anything but I just wanna know what will happen if I took 4 tablets of Panadol at a time?? cause I wanna do it




  1. as a migraine sufferer i often take up to 12 Panadol in the space of 2 hours to try and get rid of the headache and have no side affects but you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket if you want to take them for no reason

  2. probably nothing. Unless you have a liver or kidney condition, or some other type of health problem that it may trigger. Depends on the mgs also. Is it "extra" you may feel a little fidgety- since that has caffeine in it.  OR if you often take medications that your body does not require, you could possibly wind up with a condition. There are no narcotic effects, so it's just a waste of Panadol.

    Sounds like you need someone to talk to- or to cure your boredom by taking a walk or something. I'm sure that if you get your blood pumping, you will feel better than if you take some meds.

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