
What will happen if Russia doesn't obey to Bush's demands?

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Bush demands cease fire. Will Russia obey, if not what will happen next?




  1. Smart play by Russia, the with Olympics going on, unstable oil markets, world economic uncertainly, a Presidential election in the U.S. and the Europeans have consistently demonstrated their pacifist tendencies. There is no international consensus to do much of anything (except talk the situation to death) and no one is going to assume the leadership mantel right now to prompt any action. In short, nothing will happen  

  2. They're not going to obey. They've defied him this far. The international community doesn't have much respect for Dubya anymore. Especially Russia, considering it's a massive country (with tons of nukes) who, unlike the smaller countries the US can pick on, doesn't have to take any c**p from anyone just like the U.S.

  3. kick out of the g8 and make them as poor as they use to be. Russians were just a insecure country in Europe. it cannot even Match the Chinese.

  4. Russia will not obey. We all know that! They are communist and want land and power. So, what will happen??? Probably the same thing that happened in Iraq, lol. Sorry, I had to throw some humor in it because this world is fu**ked to me. I'm just going to sit back in the front seat, with beer and my cigarettes, maybe some popcorn, enjoy the ride until I die choking on nuclear warfare ;)

  5. Nothing. Nobody can really directly do anything ( as in direct military support), for fear that it would lead to a world war and/or nuclear war.

  6. Bush  has  tried  all  through  his presidency to  convince  Putin  to  follow  what  Bush  wants.

    Each  time  Putin,  just   scoffed  at him,   and made  his own  choices.   Don't see  that  stopping now.    

  7. Unfortunately, we do not have the amount of leverage that we used to have. You cant really tell at this moment. Georgians are now asking why they helped us out in wars, but we cant. Its sad.

  8. not a thing. bush can demand this and that of certain countries and they more or less have to comply. russia is not one of these countries and they're going to do what they want... they don't fear us. we're already in two wars...senior military officials have said for years, "that we can't become involved in another war. we don't have the resources."

    here's whats going to happen...bush is going to condemn the actions of the russians and so will a few other countries. the un is going to get involved for all that's worth and at the end of the day, the russians are going to do what they want.

  9. there not gonna listen Russia is a huge country with a huge army and wont obey any country  even America  

  10. The more Bush orders Putin around, the more Putin will defy him. Bush should try some reverse psychology but he won't, probably because he wouldn't know the meaning of either word, let alone the whole phrase.

    At least Obama has his own brain, and a very good one too - perhaps he will get better results, although there's still the danger Russia will view any American interference in what he does as hypocritical and unwarranted (which of course it is).

  11. What right does Bush have to tell what other people should do or should not do? Who made him the "police" of the world? Even though I disagree on the conflicts going on there in Russia, I think Russia should disobey Bush to show him that he isn't the boss of Russia. Bush makes himself sound like a communist.

  12. Don't you agree with Bush on this? Or do you like the Russian invasion of Georgia?

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