
What will happen if a baby get a fish hook stuck in his mouth?

by Guest55826  |  earlier

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Well my 1 year old brother got a fish hook stuck on his bottom lip and my mom just took him to the emergency room im really scared what mite happen at the doctor can anyone tell me wat mite happen




  1. Removing a fish hook is very easy.  I teach my boy scouts how to do it.  

    If the barb is still in his lip they will push it through then cut of the barb.  When the barb is removed they will then pull out the fish hook the way it entered.  Then he may be given an antibiotic and a sticker before going home.  Everything will be just fine and you will have a story to tell him when he gets older.

  2. They will push it all the way through so the barb is sticking out. Then they'll cut the barb off, and just slide the hook off. I hope your brother is fine.

    Good luck, and good fishing

  3. the DR. will numb the area with lidocaine, clip one end of the fishhook and push it through his lip. He will be fine babies are very resiliant and tend to bounce back quickly. he will be back to himself by tonight.

  4. the problem with the fish hook is the barb. the barb on the hook keeps the fish from pulling the hook out easily. however, I pull hooks out of fish all the time and they are fine, it is called catch and release.

    In a first aide class I took they had instructions forremovingg a fish hook from your hand. they said to go ahead and push the hook through and then use wire cutters to cut off the barb or the eye so you can pull the rest of the hook out.

    lips and facial skin are prettyresilientt. my daughter fell and cut her face just below her bottom lip when she was two, the stitched her up and you could barely tell after it healed. I think he will be ok.

    best of luck


  5. He will heal quickly.  His lip will be sore for a couple days but that's the worst that will happen.  I doubt there will be any noticeable scars.

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