
What will happen if a married man doesn't have ?

by  |  earlier

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s*x with his wife for just one month ?

a. gets depressed.

b. turn to another women for his needs.

c. thinks he has no option and fantasies about another women behind the toilet doors.

haha just curious to know what u guys think that's it...... :D




  1. none of the above? my husband has waited for a month after i had surgery, and he didn't seem to be bugged by it at all. now that i think of it, my husband has never fussed about not getting any.  he will, however, fuss if he's not getting any affection at all though.

  2. How about D: Supports his wife and works through whatever is going on in their marriage to fix things together.  Ahhh ha ha!  I live in such a fantasy world!! LOL

  3. Depends on what the deal is behind the lack of it.

    Other wise - there is p**n.

  4. All of the above. Those were some pretty good options. How about moody all the time..

  5. C. He gets to know his hand better than he would like.

  6. C. thinks he has no option and fantasies about another women behind the toilet doors.

  7. Let the beating begin! All men, and I mean all men do it regardless if he's getting it or not! Fantasizing about other women, that's a shoe in! I don't care if you're drop dead gorgeous, your man is beating the dolphin, and he's thinking of other women he's seen at Hooters, the grocery store, church, what have you. One way to check, see how much of the economy bottle of vasoline petroleum jelly is gone at the end of the month. See if the womens section of the sears catalog is sticking together, nufff said!  

  8. I wonder what you mean by "haha".  If you think that depriving a spouse of s*x is humorous, you are a cruel person.

  9. depends on the guy, but thats not healthy for a marriage one bit.  why would you want to put your marriage through such a stress?

  10. This is a no brainer question. The answer is B

  11. D. He looks at p**n, takes care of business himself, and sleeps next to his wife every night.  

  12. What about d divorce her ? I would turn to a pro so I do not get caught or have a tempered mistress showing up at my door. I wont lose my house children and money just because she does not put out.

  13. first A, then C, then B

  14. No big deal.

    There's more to life and marriage but sadly most can't understand it from being so s*x obsessed..

  15. I tend to be one very cranky old f**t!!!!!   and it dose not take a month you can ask the wife she knows.......

  16. Stupid question!

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