
What will happen if all the life in the ocean dies?

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what kind of chain reaction or impact will it have on us humans? i need source also im doing a research project




  1. If all the krill died,  then whales and other fish would die. There would be no fishing and no more fishing industry. There would be a huge loss of money as well that could have the potential to affect fisherman's lives- if fishing was their livelihood. (Job loss is an effect)

      The tourist industry would also suffer. No one would be able to go whale watching or go fishing for recreation either.

      Seagulls and other birds that feed on saltwater fish would have to find alternate food sources, undoubtedly the populations would drop and some species might go extinct.

        Good luck!

  2. Try have a lot of stuff on climate and ecology.

    But I can tell you what would hapen.  The oceans die, we die.  Simple as that.

  3. If all life in the ocean dies so will we. Thats a fact.

  4. Life on Earth would end. The most important impact would be on the oxygen cycle. The oceans, specifically the algae that lives there produces about 73 to 87 percent of the net global production of oxygen, which makes it available to humans and other animals for respiration.

    With 73 to 87% of oxygen production shut down. All land based animal life would soon die. There is a remote chance that land based plant life would survive for a while. However with dwindling supplies of oxygen in the atmosphere it is entirely possible that the ozone layer would collapse. There is some evidence that it requires oxygen levels nearly 20% to be maintained (see the second link). If the ozone layer collapses then UV levels would rise high enough to sterilize all remaining plant life.

    However it is worth noting that it would be virtually impossible to kill all life in the oceans without also killing all life on land at the same time. Not because of some chain reaction but because something so deadly that it would kill all ocean life would necessarily also be deadly to land life.

  5. we will also die ,what did you think??

    all eco systems are linked and related they depend on each other ,if whole eco systems die ,especially large ones like the oceans ,we are bound to follow the same fate.

  6. we wouldn't have to worry about a shark attack any more and no remake of jaws either since it would just be water

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