
What will happen if i boil my piece?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i bought this pretty cool bowl the other day and I have been getting alot of use out of it. So, I was thinking of boiling it just in order to keep it clean and keep it from smelling. I was just wondering-is it bad to boil your pieces to often? Can you do it too much? Oh and also it actually happens to be one of those color changeing ones. So basically as you smoke through the bowl the glass changes colors from like regular clear glass to colorful glass. I was wondering what will happen to the glass when I boil it? Will it stay colorful? Get more colorful? Or go back to the regular glass it looked like when i bought it? Thanks




  1. I have boiled several in the past. It will lose some of it's color at first, but once you start to use it again, it should come back. It's kind of fun, it feels like you have a brand new piece again. You may still need some toothpicks and q-tips to get into some of the smaller areas. The worst thing I can say about it is it ruined the pan I used to boil them!

  2. do not boil it, get tooth picks, q-tips, small things like that to clean it.   boiling it will mess it up

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