
What will happen if i don't show up for jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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I work 2nd shift and waking up before noon is not an option for me. They expect me to go downtown in the dead of winter at 8am? I don't see this happening.




  1. Tooo bad., How sad.

    Once upon a time, there was this kindly old watchmaker who lived in the black forest  with the elves.

      One  elf has trouble getting up early,. so the watchmaker  invented the alarm clock!!! And the elf thanked the watchmaker, because it enabled him to get up early and avoid a contempt of court citation.

  2. you sound lazy

  3. It really depends on where you live.  If it is a place that they have issues with people showing up for Jury Duty then they will be more aggressive.  They do issue a bench warrant for you.  I agree with the person telling you to talk to your boss next time - when I supervised a 24 hour department I would be considerate to my team for things like this.  It is important to go to jury duty when we are called.  But I would not say you are lazy - I can appreciate being in a routine.

  4. did you just get a letter out of the blue? you may not even qualify. ive gotten a couple of these over the years and ignored them. never heard anything else about it

  5. Men wearing sunglasses and dark jump suits will break down your door at 3 AM and haul you off never to be heard from again.

    Seriously, if you make a habit of this you will eventually (maybe) wind up paying a fine. There are a thousand ways to legally get out of jury duty.

  6. They might put out a bench warrant on you.

  7. You will be in jail.

    They will come and find you and take you to jail. It happens all the thime where I live.

  8. You need to tell you boss that you need a day off (or more) to report for jury duty.

  9. i work the grave yard 12 mednight to 8am i told them i had jury duty at 8am they let me have that day off and it was paid since i had jury duty just ask you boss man at your work site

  10. well technically they give you three chances, where once you get that jury duty card in the mail you have to emiediately contact them back if you just ignore it another will come once you get that one they try and scare you with the fines and sentencing ignore that one then you will get your third party invotation that even has its own escort to bring it over bye hand arnt they nice bye the time you get brought to the big party where everyone  is just so nice, well put it this way you better have atleast 25grand to keep your *** out of jail but if you could pay them 5grand they will so suprise you with a 1-5 year free stay at a fine house or corrections where you will be indulged with a great tasty coursine and the admirable veiw of the outside world through the smallest window recorded in guennes world records not to mension they come with there own metal bars also you would be so pleased with the residents who are generously loveing to eatch other they will flower you with words that will remind you of what it was like to have a girl friend or wife they will great you in the middle of the night where they will hold you and protect you from others aka the ***** lets get serious enless this is wat you want ..there is ways to win this and not have to go you would have to be pregnant, mentally ill or unstable, disable, a criminal with a record or if you are or feel unsafe from the deffendent or you can take the easy road like everyone else just say your a alcholic and a heavy drug abuser witch will affect the way you think and your verdict dude go online man youll find so many ways to beat the system

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