
What will happen if i fail a drug test (on cannabis). i play semi-pro rugby, what will be done?

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What will happen if i fail a drug test (on cannabis). i play semi-pro rugby, what will be done?




  1. Good question.

    I've been drug tested on numerous occasions since I started smoking pot at the age of about 14 and nobody has ever said anything to me.

    I'm really not sur anybody cares if you're tested positive for cannabis. Coke is a different matter, ask Wendell Sailor for advice on that.

    Personally, I think if you were tested positive and banned from playing for cannabis then a) the punishment would be lenient in terms of duration of the ban and b) you'd get more of a ribbing from your team mates than from any panel judging you.

  2. In South Africa recently, a Fijian winger playing for Western Province and the Stormers tested positive for cannabis and he was thrown out of both teams and given his marching orders. I don't know whether he was banned or suspended by the IRB,though.

  3. You'll probably be thrown off the team, and then they won't be able to distract you from smoking weed ALL THE TIME.

  4. If you gave it up perhaps you could play Pro-Rugby?

  5. First of all I'm not sure that they even test for cannabis in that type of drug test.

    If they try to take disciplinary actions, I would argue that THC is not a performance enhancing drug. If you make a big enough argument about it, they may let it slide.

  6. give up yhe weed and take on somethin that will get out of your system faster wendell was unlucky he was still comin down when they tested him

  7. youll die

  8. You'll be invited to a mountain party with Ricky Williams, Randy Moss, and Chong from Cheech & Chong.

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