
What will happen if i go to a psychiatrist??

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my love broke up with me saying that i am a mental (for a long period about3 years). he says he has tried so much to set me right and has tolerated me for such a long time and couldn't do it anymore.

he always wanted me to consult with a psychiatrist. now i seriously feel like doing it. my doubt is, how will be a meeting with a psychiatrist??? i really cant imagine how it'll be. will it be a long story i say, doc listens and says u r wrong in this aspect and do this and that?? will it be over in one meeting or will the doc ask me to come back doing this and that?

will it be a long process? (say if i have some attitude and behavioural problems)




  1. Your "love" as you call him is a controller.  One method of control is to convince the the other person that something is wrong with them (when in actuality there is not.)  

    If you do decide to see one, all you do is talk and they listen.  They do not judge you or tell you "you're wrong."  Most often times muliple secessons are required for any kind of breakthrough.  Never hurts to try it just once.

  2. Dolly, as you already planned of going to psychiatrist, now dont think much abt it, let it happen, and be calm and listen to doc carfully.Hope it will help you.

    Secondly are you going to doc bcos you bf broke up.if yes then dont think abt that guy , he dont deserves you, and be happy as you dont need guy like that.You deseve better one.

    I guess you seen movie ---50 first dates, if not watch it good movie. and you need the guy like in the movie, who is alway there for you.

    Best of luck.

  3. You probably don't want to start with a psychiatrist.  You want to start with a counselor, therapist or social worker.  Ask your primary care physician for a referral, or go to your local County Mental Health center (they'll have a sliding fee scale so will be more affordable). You might be able to find a counselor at a women's center or similar if there is one in your area.

    Start by telling a counselor your story, then let the counselor decide if you need to see a psychiatrist.  A psychiatrist is a doctor and not a counselor and prescribes medicines for psychiatric illnesses.

    Talking to a counselor is easy and not scary once you get started.  Good luck!

  4. he will make u do things which u already know and make u feel u that u dont know.

  5. You looks so much down, don't worry,everything is going to be fine...

    You didn't mention things you did for which you got this credit 'Mental'...

    May be your BF is not normal, who knows ?

    Psychiatrist will just have some small conversation with you and decides whether you are normal or abnormal. Don't get scared, abnormal in the sense may be depression ,mania etc. He'll prescribe drugs which you have to use regularly and visits you have to repeat but not too frequent. This is all when you are abnormal. If Doctor says you are fine then the turn goes to your BF...

  6. the problem is with your ex,not with you.may be he wanted to get rid of you.plz dont use the word are upset with whatever happened to you.

    do go to a psychiatrist,not becoz your ex said to do so.its for your good .psychiatrist paitently listen to what you say,they ease off your burden.they want to get you out of your bad situation .they straight away dont give medication unless its required.

  7. your love sound like a jerk but it's never a bad thing to see a psychologist. You'll basically tell him/her what you're thinking about and what your life is like and anything on your mind and if he/she is good, he/she will make you feel better or at least give you some hope.Psychologists never say that you're wrong but they don't sugarcoat stuff either. They often give you a totally different perspective on the situation, which is very helpful. It will be more than one meeting, unless you don't like the psychologist. Then you ask your general doctor for some more recommendations and try someone new. Don't worry if you don't like your first therapist; there are plenty out there and they all have different talents. Anyway, you seem really nice so good luck!!

  8. I would go to a psychologist. I am one.

    Psychologist will talk to you and counsel you more. Psychiatrist are more medical and look for chemical imbalances etc. Behavioral and attitude is better with a psychologist. If you need an SSRI, the psychologist can write down what you need in a letter to your doc.

    Its not scary, and it will be the first step into feeling better about yourself.

    You may discover that your ex is wrong about you, and your psychologist will soothe your worries about your stability!  

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