
What will happen if i just eat fruit and veg for the rest of my life??

by Guest56475  |  earlier

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What will happen if i just eat fruit and veg for the rest of my life??




  1. thats like a vegetarian diet; but you would be missing out on other important nutrients as well. you need protein! i used to do just fruit/veg and i became anemic - i didnt have enough iron, therefore i didnt have enough red blood cells and i could get sick easily. i got random bruises all over my body and i was very weak. i was also very skinny!  

  2. For a balanced diet, you need carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

    Fruits and Vegetables will have mostly Carbohydrates. You will have proteins, but not all the essential amino acids and in desired amounts. In the least, it will weaken your muscles.

    Your diet will lack essential fatty acids. I could effect your skin, vision, hair.

    You could become a vegetarian, and follow vegetarian diets and be healthy.

  3. your life will be very short.

    don't do it!

  4. The short'd be sick a lot and what you would get would bring you down hard. Food is the fuel for the immune system. It needs to be balanced to work at peak performance. You'll feel sluggish, dehydrated, have trouble sleeping good, memory would suffer, your hair won't glow, skin would be very dry all the time all this and I haven't even started on what happens on the inside..those items are about your life...don't shorten it up...we're all not here long enough as it is..

  5. that's not so great because there is a lot of fibre in it so you will be by the toilet most of the time and then get lots of water retention and stuff from it... not such a good idea... you'd need at least some other types of food in you!  

  6. You will become very unhealthy. You also need fats and much more protein than this diet will give you.

    The human digestive system has evolved into making an omnivorous diet the best one.

    If you truly want to go this far, you will need to include beans and seeds in your diet. You may need vitamin supplements also.

  7. I was a vegan for seven years and prior to that I was a vegetarian for 5 years.

    As everyone else has said, you can not survive if you only eat fruits & veggies.

    Protein is the most important part of your body. Everything from your hair & nails to muscles and genetic material are derived from and require a steady supply of protein.

    If you are choosing to become vegetarian, it is important that you supplement protein into your diet. There are many sources that can be used, peanut and apple butter, nuts & seeds, hemp and soy protein etc... But if you don't eat protein your body will slowly show signs of deprivation.In the beginning I started to loose my hair, my nails became brittle. At some point someone told me I looked like I was going through chemotherapy, and I was doing all of the aforementioned. Your body has a reservoir of protein, but once that's used up it goes to your hair, nails & muscles for sources of protein.

    Talk to a nutritionist.

  8. You would be a skinny rake, your body will start eating its muscle then you will die.  

  9. I am a pure vegaterian person I only take vegatarian diet and fruits. Don't worry you will be healthy on veg & fruits also.

  10. You'll look like one of those skinny unhealthy people that works in your local health food shop.

  11. You will live with diarrhea.  

  12. Possible health complications and early death, as you will more than likely not be eating very many calories, protein, or fat. Pieces of fruit are only about 80 calories each, and some veggies are as low as 10-20.

  13. sorry t say you'd prbabably die very early in life due to deficiencies and u'll be depressed, who would eat fruit and veg all thre life...moderation is best i always say...

    good luck mate

  14. you will turn into a carrot

  15. You wouldn't be getting the right balance of foods and you'd end up very ill. and then dead. x

  16. Fruit is good in moderation but you can have too much of it (it has a lot of sugar) if you ate lots of fruits and veggies and had some meat like fish, chicken, turkey, and ate a little milk or cheese that would improve everything greatly.

  17. It would make you ill lol.

    too much of anything no matter what it is can cause damage.

    To mantain a healthy diet you need stuff from each category

    Carbohydrates: Bread, cereal, pasta

    Protein: Meat, fish,

    Vegetables & Fruits

    Fats, oils & sweets

    Calcium: Milk, yoghurt, eggs ect.

  18. In parts of Asia & Southeast Asia ,

    many people believe that eating meat is a taboo.I know many people from that area,and they live to be over 100yrs old.And still work.

  19. you=<skiny>.

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