
What will happen if i would turn the tables back on my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend has been acting a little funny lately He haven't been spending alot of time with me like he use to, We dont eat together, every time i do be with him he hides his phone, He dont call me my nick name any more. I just found out there was another girl involve. I try to call him to ask him why he's doing the things he do to me and what i did to deserve it. He just keeps trying to avoid my question and hanging up on me. Ifeel like i can work it out. What should i do about this situation




  1. Dump him right away.

  2. Sounds like you should be referring to this guy as your ex.

  3. First of all, learning proper English might help.  Secondly, you state 'I can work it out'.  No, you can't.  It has to be 'we' can work it out, and he obviously isn't interested.  Move on.  He has.

  4. Hun don't try to salvage a relationship when the other party doesn't care what happens to it. It seems he's made his decision and you shouldn't have to try to force someone to give you the treatment you deserve. I know what it's like to want to hold onto someone, but keep in mind you're fighting to hold onto to a person who isn't who he used to be. I can't control what you decide to do, but if you were my friend I'd tell you to tell him that leaving you hanging like this was a lousy and cowardly thing to do and you're finished with him. I wish you the best of luck and try to keep your chin up.

  5. Get rid of him

  6. its simple sweety, if hes been acting funny and all that other obviously found out that there is another girl involved which totally explains dump him. No body deserves to be treated like that so stop wasting your time on him.why try to work it out with someone who cant even give you a reason for treating you that way. Hes a jerk. I suggest you leave him

  7. Dump him.

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