
What will happen if mccain gets oldtimer or has heart attack -will Palin be ready?

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mccain is sooooo old. no1 is gonna take her seriously.




  1. from the looks of things...Nader will be looking like a good choice for alot of ya...

  2. Great. You got the women all angry with the libs. Upset the seniors so they come over to our side also.  

  3. its Alzheimers... idiot

  4. "What will happen if mccain gets oldtimer"

    That quote is so precious on many levels.

    Anyway, Palin will more ready than Obama because she will have at least a few weeks of VP experience.

  5. She would be better than Obama any day.

  6. Palin would have to run the country while taking care of her special needs baby.   I'm sorry but we would be in big trouble.  It is a incredibly scary situation and every Mom out there knows it.

  7. sure

    and what happens if biden tries to knock barack off


  8. and you are a wet nosed, spoiled brat!

  9. McCain will outlive you.

    And Palin will make a better President than obama.

  10. It would suck that the first female president would be someone who has so little experience and is a Republican !  I hope it doesn't happen.  But really you know that any president doesn't really hold that much power because they have alot of people working beneath them that actually do most of the work.

  11. There's no such disease as oldtimers. It's alzheimer and he will probably outlive Obama. Look at his mom.

  12. wow you are a seriously stupid person

    it's called Alzheimer's and he is in good health old people don't just get heart attacks you ignorant punk.

  13. I don't know. I guess she could learn CPR.

  14. How old is so old when you have 90 year old democrats still in the senate, could it be that you are to young to see beyond your next diaper change.

  15. If you want people to take you seriously you have to make sure people understand its Alzheimer's, not old timers, and since it can happen as early as forty, use the term correctly.

    Nothing gets older people madder than the idea that all older people end up in nursing homes with Alzheimer's.

    I see no reason to think McCain will his mother campaigns with him and seems quite together.

    Palin on the other hand is no one to make a heartbeat away from the presidency.  She has a serious lack of gravitas.

    You can call me a lot of things in this world, and I'll pretty much just laugh, but calling me a Bush lover is fighting words.

    I've grown to hate what that man has done to my country.

  16. What happens if Obama gets elected????

    He hasn't governed anything and his one term as a senator was occupied with his presidential campaign and charismatic speeches. Sarah Palin has a proven track record of fighting and exposing corruption in HER OWN party and reducing spending as a governor. Obama promises to punish succesful people and expand bloated innefficient government programs.

    What are you an 8 year old? No wonder you are an Obamaniac.


  17. If a frog had wings......

    McCain is in great health.  Silly how some act as if death is banging at McCains' door.

    When  they win the election, and in event that McCains death should occur, Palin will have no choice but to be ready.

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