
What will happen if one suffered from severe shortsightedness, longsightedness or lazy eye?

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What will happen if one suffered from severe shortsightedness, longsightedness or lazy eye?




  1. Well in my case it was the first, and I became an optometrist.

    Apart from certain specialised careers, none of the three is particularly limiting, especially in these days of contact lenses and high-index spectacles.

    (And your third category may need no optical correction at all)

    Those with severe shortsight have a slightly increased risk of retinal detachment and retinal degeration.

    Those with severe long sight are more likely to have associated strabismus, and have an appreciably increased risk of acute glaucoma.

    Lazy eye is only an issue in those professions where good vision in both eyes, and usually stereoscopic vision, is considered essential.

  2. A history of severe myopia considerably increases the risk of retinal detachment.

    A history of hypermetropia increases the risk of angle closure glaucoma.

    A history of amblyopia would result in definite functional impairment.

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