
What will happen if russia is no longer a partner with the west?

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so the russians have said choose us or georgia.It looks like we have chosen georgia.given the fact that we are trying to stop iran from getting nuclear weapons,that russia is an close ally too iran,1 will this now be more difficult to achieve? 2 if relations with russia do become cold and tensions rise, will they not be tempted to actually help iran achieve nuclear capability even maybe give them a few nuke's? 3 what if we are not a partner with russia?




  1. Russia has never been a partner that could be trusted, even during WW2, after we supplied them with military vehicles and planes as soon as the germans were on the run they started to establish puppet governments in territory they conquered(poland and the balkans

  2. shock and awe in moscow.

  3. don't believe everything you read Russia has never been a friend to the west neither has the USA the cold war was caused by secret deals with Stalin and Roosevelt as Churchill said we Britain went to war over the German invasion of Poland and British troops should have been in Poland Monty made the mistake of advancing to far and was told to retreat from a designated Russian Positions

    Why because the USA said it will upset the Russians  and i thought we were Allies with Russia as usual the USA comes in stuffs things up and goes home

  4. Nothing. After a while the US and Russia will go on with their usual ways as if nothing happened.

    C'mon folks, you have seen nothing yet. What we're seeing now pales in comparison to the Cold War of the '60s, when the rhetorics from each side was far more scary (as if the end of the world is already at hand), with each side using real verbal threats mentioning the words "Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles" and "nuclear annihilation". Imagine how ordinary people from both sides have to live their daily lives with such fearsome thoughts permeating their minds at every moment. But then, several decades had passed with neither side putting their fingers on the "red-button". Despite the tensions during that era, commercial goods, trade deals, and businesses were still flowing back-and-forth between the two sides without interruption.

  5. I strongly believe that the we need to let go of outdated Cold War mentalities, and be engaged with the Russians. People worry about Iran, but they keep forgetting how powerful Russia is.

  6. everyone should just keep their cool and not nuke each other. keep to saturation bombing and ak47s.

    wow... that sounded wweird

  7. It was like that less than 20 years ago.

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