
What will happen if the animals start speaking ?

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What will happen if the animals start speaking ?




  1. my dog said that nothing would happen.

  2. They would say "dont kill me"!!

  3. well then the dong will rule earth and the turtles well beat the record of running and the ducks will be the presedent of the united states lol  

  4. It would be the end of the human race. Obviously some animals are much smarter than some supposed-to-be humans that I know.

  5. Animals other than humans and the highest of primates don't have the intelligence to communicate more than just vague emotions.  Animals already have ways of communicating what is important to other members of their species.  I don't understand why some people seem to think that a pig or cow or dolphin is just as smart as a human and only physically unable to talk.  It is a ridiculous idea.  Even dolphins have been proven to be completely unintelligent, about the same as the average dog.  I guess lots of people really want to believe that this is true, but it just isn't.  Just because humans become attached to animals and imagine they have human-like characteristics doesn't mean they actually do.

  6. The animals already have. They are called humans.

    But seriously I think that it depends on what animals you are talking about. Animals in the wild that run off their basic instinct would not have much to contribute, and would develop a very minimal vocabulary. Animals that have a society like meerkats and chimpanzees would probably have a more developed language. Domestic animals like cats and dogs, having been exposed to more language and human interaction would have the most highly developed language of all.

    But your question is what will happen if the animals start speaking? Well the animals already speak to themselves in their own language, we just don't understand it.

  7. People will freak out.

  8. You dog will finally tell you where to get off.......You cat will tell you he's moving out with the local alleycat........OOOOHHHHHH...... The animals already speak, don't ya know? But, their ouw language.....

  9. we will live better lives and learn how to thrive and all become vegetarians.. lets hope they never learn to talk and hope they have to conscious.  

  10. communication between animals mean that reunion, collaboration, development of animals, increase in IQ levels, and a fight against the enemy who is destroying forests, who is polluting water and air. and we should know that if animals come to it, they have more deadly weapons than we do, and they are more in number than we are.

  11. Dolphins already do

    But we have not cracked their language yet.

    Now lets say all start. Obviously there 1st would be an extensive scientific study done on each animal in order to learn secrets we did not know.

    Then human nature would kick in and we would figure out how to maximize this ability in order to get them to work for us paying them w/ peanuts.

    A lot of people would have more friends. lol

  12. People will stop taking LSD.

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