
What will happen if the earth and the moon collide?

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What will happen if the earth and the moon collide?




  1. It hasn't happened after 4 billion years, so I doubt that it's ever going to happen.

  2. Well, if the earth and moon collide...  big explosion, earth destroyed... all life as we know it... gone.  In reality however, although others here have said differently,  the moon is gradually spiralling away from the earth.  Approx 4 cm a year.  Slowly drifting away......

  3. We will all die.

  4. We'd be screwed. Life as we know it would cease. But don't wont happen.

  5. If this were to happen nothing would survive the disaster. Depending upon the velocity of the impact, the Earth may even be destroyed. Blown into millions of chunks forming a new asteroid belt between Venus and Mars. Those planets might also be exposed to an onslaught of meteors from debris from the Earth and the Moon.

    In short, the collision of these two bodies would more than likely result in the destruction of both if not other planets as well.

  6. CHAOS !!!

  7. If the earth and the moon collide we would be dead or some of the earth would survived it. also we could be living on the moon or mars or in a space station by then too. Also that may not happen for millions of years. and we may not be living on the earth by then too.

  8. The moon and the Earth will eventually collide (the moon spins closer to the Earth all time just very very slow).  As the moon spins closer it will cause the tides to be unstable flooding every coast across the globe.  When the moon finally hits earth ... nothing will live, not even bacteria.  h**l the rock that supposidly killed the dinosaurs was only about the size of texas.

  9. Earth and moon will never collide coz moon is going away from Earth by 2 inches each year!

  10. KABOOM

  11. First, all of the life would die because there would be an explosion deep within the earth where the magma lies. The Earth and moon both would catch fire and destroy everything.

    Next there would be huge rocks flying everywhere. SOme of those rocks would be pulled back in towards the highest point of gravity that is left and it would start reforming either one single planet out of the two or reform into two more planets. It would mess up the gravitational pull of both planets and they would swing around together until they found a compassisional point they were both comfortable with. Some pieces would be lost into asteroids and both would be smaller when it is all done. When they found the point they were comfortable with they would both start slowing down their spins and cooling off. Slowly the debris would float back to the planet with the highest gravitational pull and there would be constant meteors falling in the sky onto the main planet.nEarth would lose it's atmosphere and have to start all over again with terraforming, if it was able to do it at all. The first time it happened by chance, and scientists don't expect that it would get lucky a second time.

    The end result, look at mars. Little atmosphere, little water, and carrying around lots of the same elements of Earth. GIve it a few million years and the theory of evolution is once again debated by creatures who really are only guessing at what has been going on since the last time it happened.

  12. $hit happens !

  13. it will suck.

  14. A complete devastation of both bodies. Would probably create another Asteroid belt. However, this will more than likely not happen because the moon is actually moving away from the Earth at a rate of 3.8 centimeters a year.

  15. Never happen because Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck need money and a excuse to make Armegeddon 2.   They would hop onto a space shuttle and blow up the moon with nukes before it had a chance to hit the earth.   Liv Tyler would probably opt out of doing the sequel but I'm sure her dad's band would write another song for the movie.


    Just remembered that Bruce died in the last movie.  They'd figure a way to bring him back.....

  16. bye bye :D

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