
What will happen if the economy keeps?

by  |  earlier

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deteriorating as it is doing ??? how will it affect a regualr family ??




  1. I'll be honest - I just came here to get a better look at your avatar.

  2. you,s be fighting to be into turkey ands me,s and my,s family we be saying "bloody foreigner's taking mines jobs sends them all home!"

  3. There is an Italy website that suggest to be ready to return at local end community economic system... you know auto-production an similar... how will it affect a family? I think in every way: first of all Food price, then every kind of things we need... terrible.  

  4. You mean, what happens if GDP keeps growing at only 2% as it did last quarter?  Nothing disastrous. That's happened many times in history.  Incomes will remain fairly stagnant compared to the rapid increases since 1980.  

  5. Food and services will increase in price and your home and pension will decrease in price.

  6. The game will be up for those who have caused it and family's are already suffering.

  7. If they haven't overstretched themselves with a big mortgage and their income exceeds their expenditure and they aren't thinking of moving in the near future,they will most probably weather the storm.

    I have so far survived three recessions.---History repeats as they say.

    Also if they are reasonably astute tthey will learn something to help before the next crisis.

  8. you'll all be homeless within 12 months!

  9. More and more houses on the market (more and more canadians taking advantage of this and buying them, I'm canadian, it's actually really common now especially in the southern states) anyways. more houses on the market, more people not being able to pay off debt, less jobs, less production (which in turn means even less jobs) higher food costs. because people are buying less, eventually taxes will most like go up but the government will also try to give people who are having a hard time a break. if it keeps going for a long time, lets just say that the poverty line will be a lot lower and not as many parades and other useless things will be financed - that money will be going to more important things. The harder times get the worse crime rates get. Won't John Doe be angry when he can't have his new Hummer and morning capuccino because he has to actually start paying bills and stop puting them on his credit cards. America, the new third world country.  but i really don't think it would go that far. are Americans really that greedy that they would shoot themselves in the foot?

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