
What will happen if the human sperm is mixed with soap water?

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Whether the sperm will die?




  1. you will end up having babies ,

  2. Sperm may die but it is not a birth-control method.

  3. Yes.

    The Sperm will die.

    However, **being soapy during intercourse is no substitute for birth control**, lathering up in the shower or bath will not kill Sperm fast enough on ejaculation even if enough soap was that high up the Vaginal passage, to start killing Sperm and prevent fertilisation, even a proper Spermicide, properly applied, is not %100 effective and is recommended to be used in conjunction with Condoms etc.

    Different forms of soap and additives to soap will have varying speeds at which they will kill Sperm.

    Only one sperm needs to make it to create a life.

  4. Offcourse. No side effect to your body/p***s.

  5. Life span of sperms decreases.If the soap is too alkaline/acidic sperm will die immediately

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