
What will happen if we continue to do global warming?

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What will happen if we continue to do global warming?




  1. GW doesn't exist. Don't be a fool who blindly believes that the far left are all about saving cute animals. There is an entire industry based around this latest climate scare (there is one every 30 years or so, either warming or cooling).

    The global warming religion likes to use the National Academy of Science report as their bible, but this is bias and funded by special interest groups. Look carefully at the facts. For example, it states that temperatures have risen 1.4 degrees since the beginning of the 20th century. This is true. However, temps have NOT increased in the last 10 years. You'll notice that, in the 2008 report, none of the graphs contain data past 2000... sketchy, huh? It's because this defies the rising temp theory.

    Even though the polar bears have now been put on the endangered species list, it is because they changed the rules. The population has actually tripled in the last 30 years.  It's the reason that the governor of Alaska is now suing the federal government.

    Furthermore, the ice shelfs are the among the highest seen in 30 years.  Carbon dioxide is actually a good thing. The list goes on and on for evidence to the contrary of man made global warming, but there is no irrefutable evidence that it does exist.

    No matter what environmentalists say (or how they say it), there is no evidence that man is causing global warming. They will use sleight of hand to try and get you, but don't be a sucker. For example, notice how NO commercials say anything about "global warming" anymore? The use the words "climate change" now. That's because environmentalists realize that time is becoming limited on this scare, but they can use the words "climate change" and keep us afraid that we're going to die, whether it be from warming, cooling, etc.

    A link that'll get you started on your education (not funded by any special interest groups):

    For your own good, the good of the nation, and yes, the planet, you should be VERY skeptical. Look carefully at the facts and the language. Environmentalists are not always keeping the green of nature in mind. There is a lot of money to be made in this hugely expanding industry.

    Even if you are someone who will never believe that global warming doesn't exist, think about this... it will cost 29 trillion dollars to fight this threat of sketchy (and special interest funded) "science" along with ruin our economy. Know how much it will take to feed the entire human population for the next 100 yrs? 7 trillion.

    Still think we should be making public policies and spend all that money? Then do one thing for me before you call your local congressman: Name one thing that the government hasn't screwed up.

  2. earth will die.

  3. There is no such thing as global warming; the concept does NOT exist!  You believe it does because your boy, Al Gore, told you it does and the mainstream, liberal media took that ball and ran with it as if it were a fact.   We do need to stop polluting the air and water; but, the fact is quite the opposite.  Scientific data proves that there is no continuous tend toward constant warmer temperatures.   As a matter of fact, THAT is precisely why Al could not be a presidential candidate this year!   He most certainly would've been confronted and asked to show proof for his theory.   He knew he had been blowing smoke up the American public's mindset; he also knew his whole concept was bogus and made up and that he would've been totally embarrassed had he been asked about his propoganda.

  4. we do not do global warming.  it is directly proportionate to solar winds.

  5. I am not doing any to complicate that hoax of GW.

    You need Prozac.

    My 2 cents.

  6. If we continue to do global warming we could suffer the following: palpitation, hypotension, postural hypotension, myocardial ischemia, cerebral thrombosis, cardiac arrest, heart failure, abnormal electrocardiogram, glossitis, colitis, dysphagia, gastritis, gastroenteritis, esophagitis, stomatitis, dry mouth, liver function tests abnormal, edema, gout, unstable diabetes, hyperglycemia, peripheral edema, hyperuricemia, hypoglycemic reaction, mydriasis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, tinnitus, eye pain, and/or ear pain.

  7. I haven't been doing any global warming!

  8. well could cause many different things like the ocean current could shut down from a rising amount of fresh water going into the oceans or methane gas could be let lose from the glaciers causing extreme climate changes or maybe the earth will just shift its own climate and throw us in to the next ice age and if that happens you can kiss the western world good bye as the huge glaciers start growing and consuming over half the united states and Europe leaving only the equator but eventual even that will be consumed so i think it would best if we don't continue global warming

  9. what global warming, oh, the world wide record lows that must be from the polar ice caps melting, but wait, wouldn't that take hundreds of years to affect our climate center the gulf stream and we have only been attacking our environment for about say 90 years.

  10. Its not fair for dutch people because their homeland is flat.

  11. It will do us.

  12. Continue to 'do' global warming? Well first off, you have to believe global warming is real. The media and many left wing people are pushing that its true, the earth is heating up and all the ice is gonna melt, sea levels are gonna rise and all heck will break loose.

    The truth of the matter is, climate is local, our environment is constantly changing and thousands of scientists don't agree global warming is occuring. Recent news article cofirm there are overzealous people pushing the global warming catastrophe. Even NASA has been guilty.

    I for one, DO NOT believe temperatures are rising, and since 1998 there has been a cooling effect on the earth. The midwest in america had one of the coldest winters and Bagdhad actually saw snow this year. Yes, some glaciers are receding, and have been for centuries, and some are EXPANDING. Just think, Long Island was formed by glacial recession without people driving cars and using oil.

    However, i DO believe the responsible thing for humans and earth is to use "greener" products, and energy technology. Being energy independent is a national security issue and being smarter about enegry is necessary. I am Pro to control our pollution, because i like clean air and oceans. But Global warming is by far a Hoax. Guarantee it!

  13. Continue to do global warming?  Is that a new dance, like the hustle?

    Global warming is a natural cycle.  It happens with or without us.  The last ice age happened without us, the next one will happen without our help too.

    Stop spreading the panic.

  14. earth will die,due to uv rays of ends .

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