
What will happen if we go into global warming?

by Guest57426  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is watching the history channel and they are talking about global warming and how in the arctic the ice is melting. I am wondering what will happen if we do go into global warming?




  1. It will get warmer.  That's better than getting cooler.

  2. The warming has already started.  There is not much dispute about this among the scientist.  There was a lot of controversy about this point early on but the evidence now clearly shows a warming trend.  Now the dispute has shifted to the "true" cause, with most of the dispute being argued by laymen.  Most scientist agree that human activity is s significant portion of the cause, although the proportion is still s little up in the air.

    The movie "Day after Tomorrow" is Hollyweird fiction.  The exaggerate the magnitude and time frame of the impacts to make a buck.  I'm not sure of the latest predictions, but sea level rise will not come as a tidal wave.  It will be roughly 3ft over a 50 or 100 year period.  Droughts may increase in intensity and severity over the next few decades. And rainfall patterns may shift to cause more flooding in some areas.  Some speculate that hurricanes may become more intense because the ocean has warmer.  Heatwaves may become more intense of longer.  

    The impacts are nothing humans cannot adapt to.  The wealthier nations will have an easier time of it than the poorer nations.  The changes are slow relative to our lifespan, but fast relative to the ability of an ecological system to evolve. It is the adaptation of the ecological systems that is really worries us.  These systems have a great influence on the processes that make life on earth comfortable for people.  These systems clean our air and water, enrich the soil, generate food (look at the proportion of humanity that get food from the sea).  The rate of change is more rapid than in any other time in history.  These systems will adapt. We just want them to adapt in a way that doesn't significantly impair the functions.  This could result in greater hardship for some people.

  3. umm new hurricane zones where previously there were no hurricanes. more tornados and in places where there were no tornados. arctic fish would die off, polar bears go extinct, penguins go extinct. seas rise 20ft (several miles inland from the coasts would flood). the hot regions of the earth would get unbearably hot. etc.. etc.. etc..

    i saw another thing that said in addition to our own greenhouse gases causing global warming, the earth is due for another ice age. core samples taken from antarctica say that every 10,000 years the earth takes several extra-long loops around the sun, where the arctic glaciers creep down to around the area of Kansas/Idaho. and the last time we had an ice age was ... wait for it.... 10,000 years ago. so they were kinda saying who cares.

  4. Don't listen to the 'deniers' on here! Do your own learning,and you will see that global warming started over 200 years ago when man started burning fossilized fuels such as coal and oil. The 'debate' started 25 years ago! Now the data is in,and that's why Al Gore made his movie.

  5. Those that claim we should enact radical solutions to "stop" global warming are idiots and politicians....

    We didn't start the cycle, the sun does, so we can't stop it.

    Its politically correct to talk about man-made global warming though there is mounting evidence and increasing numbers of scientist that indicate its not man made.


    Incidentally, Didn't a noted "global warming expert" named Ted Danson declare the oceans would die in 10yrs... 20yrs ago?

    Seems that every dire prediction made, including pope algore's do not come true... he said last year "it is too late"...

  6. Most likely, the earth will heat up.

  7. If the globe warms up, there will be several things happening.  Obviously, some of the ice will melt.  This will raise the water levels, so low lying areas around the world will see more flooding.  Also, warmer air can hold more moisture (not enough to make up for the melted ice -- sorry).  Moist air produces more clouds, and is likely to produce more storms.  Growing seasons around the world will change too.  In temperate regions, this can be a good thing.  In the tropics, it may become too warm for good plant growth, and this can further reduce the rain forests.

  8. I believe they really don't know c**p about global warming. I heard a report that they measured that the ice caps were increasing! they just want to scare you so researchers can get tons of funds to "study"

  9. It would become very hot and all of us well be toasted because the arctic and antarctic ice serves as an air condition. The water level will rise and much of the land will be submerged. The bottomline is we will all perish from this earth.

  10. A greater abundance of life on earth.  More food, less burning of fossil fuels for heat.

    People like warm weather.  When things got cold in the past people starved to death.

    Climate is always changing, and there are winners and losers in climate change.  The US, Canada, Northern Europe, Russia, etc. all make out really well with more global warming.

  11. i say we just should be g*y

  12. see that movie the day after , or others like it?

  13. The Earth has warmed 1 degree in the last hundred years, if you trust the measurements.  To get an idea of what to expect, simply compare today's weather to that one hundred years ago....not much different, is it?  That's what you can expect for the rest of your life.  Enjoy.

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