
What will happen if you chew to much gum?

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I can't help it, I just love to chew gum.....I chew sugarless but my friend told me it could hurt your teeth if you constantly chew it. My parents decided they don't wana get me gum alot so they only get me like one pack every two weeks and sometimes I buy myself but I'm only 13 so I don't have so much money. But once I get it i'll finish the pack in the same day. Is this gunna cause problems with my teeth or jaw? Should I stop chewing gum all together?




  1. Worst case scenario- my friend told me that her dentist yelled at her mom from chewing gum constantly because the stomach believes that your eating so it prepares for digestion and could cause ulcers but how many cases have you actually heard of. That could just be a theory in the dental community.

    Some dentists actually believe chewing is good for the teeth, try gum with xytolol (can't spell it) its a chemical in trident, it gives a cool feeling and is supposed to strengthen the teeth. I know a bunch of people who are chronic gum chewers and they have no problems. And if you have to chew gum or drink soda or eat citrus drink water after wards and brush half an hour after doing so since your supposed to do that with citric acid or sodas to protect your enamel it could just be a good precaution to take in case.

  2. oh my gosh, same here! i neeeeded gum! im even chewing it now. There is one problem, its horrible to chew gum. I know this because i went to a dental sergion to talk about getting my wisdom teeth out. The moment he looked in my mouth he asked if i chewed gum. I told him i do, pretty much everyday. He spazzed at me, no joke! He went on about how gum is like chewing cement! it ruins your jaw and eventually you ware out the joints in your jaw and you will have severe pain and problems with it.  It may even start clicking when you chew. (i think its because you displace it) Its also very hard on your teeth, chewing that a peice of gum for an hour or two wares them out.

    at one point my jaw started to click and hurt badly so i stoped chewing it as much.

    so yes i say chewing gum is bad, but its ok if you chew it on occasion.

    good luck! and hope i helped!


  4. now, during the skool year, i NEED my gum. I'm 13 also, and the gum chewing is normal. All my friends chew it 2. Now, When ur jaw stops hurting, stop, but idt it should cause problems. I dont have em. But on the other hand, my sister (15) sits at her desk with he jaw resting on her hand, and she did it a certain way and messed up her jaw. They told her 2 stop chewing gum. Unless u do what my sister did, i, nor any of my friends have problems =].

    Ughhhh... good luck with 8th grade!

  5. call your dentist office and ask for their advice. That's something they will tell you without charging you. Most dentists will recommend not to chew it a lot. The commercials say it's good for teeth but the truth is that it only whitens teeth if you chew after eating. "Sugarless" gum has sugar in it, it is just a different type like "splenda" for example. It's like sugarless candy for diabetics. It's not pure sugar used just a substitute sweetener. In my opinion, it can do just as much damage because you aren't using it for the reason you are diabetic, you are using it for the reason you thought sugarless is just better for your teeth. Sweeteners are sweeteners when it comes to teeth. But, yeah, it's worth checking with your dentist and getting their opinion.

    Good luck!

  6. Gum, especially sugarless gum generally isn't harmful. I know if I chew gum too much it makes my jaw hurt, but if you're not having those problems then you should be fine. Keep chewing gum for now, but if you do notice your jaw starting to hurt or you suddenly have teeth issues that didn't exist before then stop for awhile and see if they go away.  

  7. yur teeth will fall out

  8. youll turn into a big balloon and just float away

  9. chewing gum makes your stomach think it's eating because you are constantly chewing, so the more  you chew gum the more acid builds up in your stomach because it thinks you are eating.

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