
What will happen if you drink car oil?.........will you die?

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What will happen if you drink car oil?.........will you die?




  1. What kind of twisted question is this?  Yeah, motor oil is hazardous to your health.  Hello????

  2. Have you nothing else to do?

  3. If that's all you drink may cause gas..

  4. Car oil or Petrol is a good hydro-carbon solvent. Your digestive system is made up of flesh which is nothing but complex hydro-carbons. So, the oil will dissolve the whole interior of the system slowly. Again it'll create a sticky layer on the inner wall of the cstomach. And the cells will loose contant to any medicines that you can take after drinking it. Hence the medicines cannot be absorved by the stomach and you'll be brought to slow but sure death.

    NB. Drinking a small amount may not cause a death.

  5. yeh why?

  6. no definitely you will not die . but if you swallow a lighter it can be crucial for your health . to know more answers contact here :

  7. No, its just a way to get very high, but i dont recommend it!

  8. Yes you will go to the here after. You will die in an hour. Car oil is not good to drink. Even if you put sugar on it.

  9. why would you ever want to try

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