
What will happen naruhina or narusaku?

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What will happen?narusaku or naruhina cause my brother and i are having a war with these couples in our heads please HELP US!!!!!!!




  1. naruhina maybe happen but not narusaku because she still have feeling for sasuke and the author made fan made manga about naruhina.

  2. With whats going on in shippuden most likely going to be narusaku as there is about 3 narusaku "moments" in every manga/anime release these days

  3. Actually the person before who said Masashi created a manga about Naruhina is wrong. It was created by the animators. Hinata has really been in only about 12 chapters, the only reason people really ever considered Naruhina is because the animators seem to love her and put her in 29 filler episodes+ the video before the first naruto movie, the  fifth Naruto movie and put her in 3 real episodes that she wasn't in, in the original manga (like 1,3 and Shippuden 33). People think she is strong because of what the characters commented about her in the preliminaries, but then Hinata got her *** handed to her by Neji. I've really only seen 1 true Naruhina moment that wasn't in a filler (fillers don't effect the plot in any way) other wise there's around 999999999999 Naruhina moments.

    Where as Narusakuuuuu...

    there havn't been many Narusaku moments but they're hardcore romance moments, Yamato's speech is one of the greatest.

    Sakura: It's always like this... the only things I can do for Naruto... are so small...

    Yamato: It's not a problem of big and small... what's important is the strength of the feelings you have for Naruto... I can tell just by looking at you. In reality you-" then naruto wakes up >.<

    Naruto obviously still likes Sakura, and sakura is starting to like naruto. Sasuke is a b*****d that is now trying to destroy Konoha, he's not going to stop just because of Sakura.

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