
What will happen once McCain is elected?

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Will the Obamas fade quietly into the background or will they become activists?




  1. The beginning of ARMAGEDDON!

  2. the rich will continue to get richer

    and the middle class will continue to be ignored........doesn't it sound grand

  3. 4 more years of the same ole economy slump and more fear mongering by the Republicans.

  4. Well, I personally, will have to go on strong enough antidepressants to keep me pretty much unconscious until 2012. The rest of the country will have to deal with the EXACT same c**p we've been dealing with since that jackass  in the White House took office. God help all of us.  

  5. Putting the cart before the horse there Rip. McShame doesn't have a rat's @ss chance in h**l. After the embarassing campaign he's run I doubt if he'll have a job in Arizona before too long.

  6. Luckily, we'll never find out.

    Obama is going to win.

    There's no way America would vote in McCain.

    He's too old.

    Too stupid.

    Too much like Bush.

  7. they will be the new race hustlers,and the leaders of the race riots,that surly are going to take place!!

  8. they will rejoin their "church" and start fomenting race wont take much...the have not's are all geared up thinking their boy is going to win and they will be ready to fight when he goes down in flames....

  9. Id say serious meltdown...neither of them are the type to be good losers...there will be ranting about vast conspiracies for months if not years

  10. So you're assuming McCain is going to win...

    Look I don't have any love for Obama but you're a moron.

  11. do you really think mccain is good? i think he sucks and hope obama beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for mccain on this site..

  12. The country will be in a worse recession and our military men won't receive any help at all. He's to much of a whinner and to old.

  13. First off if McSame is "elected" it could be by the same

    means that W may have been "elected" in both 2000 and 2004.

    That's what winning with lost ballots and hacked voting machines

    is supposedly called now..."elected".

    The Obamas may have known since Barack's meeting with the

    Bilderberg elites last June that McCain could be picked as their

    next golden boy. They will make a good dog and pony show

    of this farce, as they have until now, and the Obamas may

    be paid a huge sum for their "buyout".

    Then, when McSame takes office we might see more false-

    flag events, perhaps more trillions of dollars mysteriously vanishing

    into thin air and more scare tactics to frighten Americans

    into giving Big Brother total control over their lives and


    In other words, you think it's been h**l these last 7 years,

    just wait until the next NeoCon psycho takes over.  

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