
What will happen to America if McBush gets in?

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It is so bad right now as it is! What will happen to the average joe if we have more of the same for four more years?




  1. He will fulfill all theological prophecies interpretation of ending the world.

  2. Its John Mccain. And dont forget it. Hes the white man for the job. lol

  3. America will remain just the same.

    The US on the other hand will get sooooooooo screwed.  

  4. "my Friend don't worry , i will make sure the prosperity of the last eight years continues."

    (my impersonation of john mc cain)

  5. FREEEEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

    "The best public servant is the worst one. A thoroughly first-rate man in public service is corrosive. He eats holes in our liberties. The better he is and the longer he stays the greater the danger. If he is an enthusiast -- a bright-eyed madman who is frantic to make this the finest government in the world -- the black plague is a house pet by comparison." -- Journal of Commerce, 1928

  6. He will s***w everything in "McSame" way as Bush did

  7. Probably nothing too bad.  Just a continuation of failing Bush policies. Plus maybe a new conflict or even a war.  Maybe not war but we'll butt heads with someone.

  8. US $$$ = International toilet papers

  9. not a terrible amount will change - maybe declare war on the world but oh well  

  10. We will continue on the same road we are going down now.  The economy will continue to go bust, real estate market will become worse, there will be more and more bank closings.  Employment will continue to fall off and we may well end up in another hellish war before we get out of the one we are already in.

  11. he would become bush the 3rd....  war ,war and more war,,another 4 yrs added to bush

  12. Things will probably stay nearly the same.  It's better than Hussein Obama (voted MOST liberal... even more than Clinton and scary)

  13. Seriously!!!! It will be a disaster! I don't even want to go into it;-( McCain is an old dude who dreams of Wars. He wants to drag the US into more wars.;-[

  14. Who is this McBush?  There is no McBush running for president.

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