
What will happen to China if it has no Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang?

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What will happen to China if it has no Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang?




  1. I would be smaller, for starters.

    However most of the power, both military and economical is based in the east of the country. All China would lose from them are the natural resources from these regions in the form of lumber, coal, oil, other mineral sources and solar power.

    In the case of Tibet there is also the worry that it may lose a source of water as many rivers in China come from Tibet. If the Tibetan wanted to build a dam these would decrease the flow of water into China.

  2. china will have smaller land area, popultaion will be less amd less trouble from the three countries that china did not appreciated.

  3. Mongolia?  Its very dependent on China. It is also an independent country of its own since 1911. Most of its population is nomadic and the people very poor.

    Tibet is part of China. They dont contribute to the economic power of the country, Tibet is an area that China pours billions into establishing the hospital, schools, roads, railroads it hasnt had in the past.  It has some rivers China uses for it water but there are a lot of rivers in China.

    In todays world geography is not an issue when it comes to war and establishing or having geographical barriers to advancing invaders is a concept  that is so outmoded its not relevant.

    Who is going to attack? Hannibal?

    China has a suberb armed forces, including its airforce. Not a worry IMO but like the US and Canada China wont allow its country to splinter into hostile factions.

    And they shouldnt. As I said it wouldnt happen in the US or Canada either.

  4. Westerners will still be asses toward China.

  5. Lack of coal.

  6. These regions all have one thing in common, geographic importance. Xinjiang and Tibet protects China from the West, and Inner Mongolia protects China from the North, so if there is a war going on, the central China Plain is protected, especially by these regions.

    Tibet's geography is especially important because it is situated on a plateau, it's close relationship with India is a huge threat to China. That's one of the reasons why China built railroads and modernized Tibet, opening up tourism, and never would allow Tibet to become independent. Hypothetically speaking, if there is a war between China and India, Tibet provides huge advantage to protect China from any invasion because of the mountains.    

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  9. they'll live. i visited inner mongolia last year, and my goodness, it's really a godforsaken place. all desert. and you can feel the sand from the gobi desert in your eyes, your hair, your ears and worse still, your mouth, even when you're in the city area.

    china will lose some of its natural resources supply, but they'll survive still.

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