
What will happen to MSNBC when Obama loses? Will they demand Race Riots?

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With their reputation ruined?




  1. They're gonna cry in their koolaid, then claim that the other side somehow cheated - right out of the Democratic play book.

  2. Don't put your cart before the horse!

  3. regardless who wins chances are Race Riots will occur

  4. No worries. McCain has lost long ago.

  5. No they will continue to report the truth. Unlike fox news that is pure lies.

  6. One must remember that (according to news media polls) the national news media services vote a straight Democratic ticket 83% of the time.

    This of course gives us a "clear and unbiased" view of what is happening in America and the world. China has a news media controlled by the government, CCTV, all 9 channels. We have a news media controlled by the Democratic machine, all except Fox news.

    The result is the same, the public hears only what the media wants them to hear. This will include race riots if they stoke the public through the media. As Heinrich Himmler said "We control the press so we control the people".

  7. they will al go to the National enquire.

  8. Obama will not lose since he was picked by the NWO to win

  9. he's not going to loose.

  10. Of course they will, alongside with abc, cbs, cnn, nbc, nyt, washington post, daily news ...

  11. It going to be a typical day riots, violence, killing, theft.  But just

    prepare your self because Obama has lost already when he nominatated Joe Biden as VP.  Sarah is awesome, like her better then hilliary.

    McCain/Palin 08'

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