
What will happen to all our garbage?

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I watched a television show that said people in the in the 1950s thought our garbage would disappear, become compose, maybe oil. They dug into a landfill for study, a lot like digging for fossils, or dinosaur bones. They found newpapers from the 50s in perfect condition, still very much readible.




  1. look at some neighborhood with 75$ on up home prices, some of them are built on our compost heaps which are unstable but hey somebody is making alot ofmoney

  2. its gonna pile up and have no where to go. I see in the future its gonna be sent up to space as space garbage to get burned up in the atmosphere or just drift

  3. My theory is that we will end up putting more garbage into incinerators for electrical generation.  It's not so great for the air, but it sure cuts down on the amount of solid waste.

  4. much likely, biodegradable garbage will decay.

    non-biodegradable will ALSO decay but maybe for a 50 yrs or something

  5. i can tell you that the study is probably false.... or they decided to bury their trash in the arctic or Death Valley.... no way paper can last undergrand for 50 years and still be in almost perfect condition....

    i takes only 2-5 months to COMPLETELY biodegrade

  6. I guarantee most, if not all, of our waste products will eventually be incorporated back into the ecosystem.

  7. eventully, most of our garbage will decompose. some just takes longer. plastic takes a long time. And most of the times they find these newspapers and stuff is when they are building housing developments ontop of the old landfills.  Today we deal with our trash basically the same way (we just recycle more). Most of our garbage either goes to an incinerator to be burnt, or it goes to a large lanfill, which will eventually be filled, then covered in dirt, then have buildings and homes built on top of it. Now scientists are talking about sending our trash into space, but the cost and the pollution of the jet fuel would be too high. So we'll just have to stick with this system untill we find a more eco-friendly way of diposing of our trash.....My recomendation on how to slow down the rate of landfills being filled up is to recycle, dont waste, reuse, and try to buy mainly biodegraidable stuff. It will decompose faster resulting in less space being taken up in the long run. I hope this helped with your question.

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