
What will happen to health if you work 16hrs a day?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a MNC and my collegues specially my fiancee is working 18hrs a day in strech... Not only him there are other guys also working like this. Its been 2 weeks and he is working day and night and sleep for 4 hrs. there are some critical projects which are happening right now. But there will be no extra salery paid or no extra componsatory leaves are granted!!!

How can I convince him that working like this will harm his health.

Please give linnks to articles in the releated matter

if possible could you please tell if there is any law which objects ......




  1. There are laws against this try looking in OSHA its a work labor laws that protect the people.

    Also as far as the body goes if he does not begin to get more rest he can go for so long and then it will crash. He will be more susceptible to sickness, infections.

    Also not to scare you but just so you know the seriousness there was a guy either in China or Japan that worked so many long hours he just fell over dead.

    He needs to be careful, you only have one life to live.

  2. u will go old early

  3. He is giving invitation to the problems and time give lesson to these kind of people because they do not understand and apply there friends and well wishers advice.

  4. t the time of birth every thing was fixed. For example, how many breaths you will take, how much food you will take, how many hours you will work and so on. Now it is upto the person to consume the quota by extra eating or taking breath fast or working prolonged hours. For example, you work 10hrs a day, you may work upto 30years (as if you have been alloted 109500 hrs. working) . You may work for 15 hrs and your alloted quota will be exhausted within 20years. Now you can decide the consequences.

  5. If you work morethan 12hrs a day You will become a mental disturb. and have some physical problems.

    Our mind, and body wants some rest. So give  some rest.

  6. I can understand your concerns, since you are worried about your fiancee's health.  Occassionally working for such long hours dont make a big difference.  Generally about 6 hours of good sleep should be enough to get charged up.  Also, one generally doesnt get sick, if they are really loving their job and by working really long one doesnt get sick.  But the cache here is, if one is forced upon, then the results can be totally different.  Recollect those exam period, when you would have burned mid-night oil and before or during exams most of them really spend long hours and sacrifice sleep.  

    Project is generally temporary in nature and pressures like this once a while should not be cause for worry, buddy!

    Check out if your fiancee is really stressed out, if so cheer him up with some nice stuff, so that he gets charged up!  As long as he is enjoying he work, nothing to worry!

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