
What will happen to me if I'm a freshman in high school and I don't know anyone at the school?????????????????

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this is going to suck. i just graduated from 8th grade. i went to a tiny private school. i'm not sure yet which high school i'm going to but i might go to a public school where i don't know anyone..well i know 1 junior because shes my neighbor but we dont talk much. and i've met 3 other juniors but 2 are guys and i barely know them.

thing that sucks is that im SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER shy. like if you ask any of my friends who the shyest person they know is, theyll say me. but im really crazy and funny once you get to me.

so i'm wondering, on my first few days in high school, am i going to meet friends? where? i dont know how high school works. am i going to absolutely need friends??????

is anyone going to come up to me and talk?????//





  1. You'll do okay! We both are going to get through it together! lol... I'm graduated from the 8th Grade too and I'm moving to another school... I'm kinda like you except for the SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER shy part. I'm only SUPER Depends on how I feel and how the school operates.

    You may find someone that will come up and talk to you. I'm that kind of person. Find someone sitting alone in my class and I go talk to them.

    You'll be okay....:D

  2. STORY OF MY LIFE. haha u just described me.. im a sophmore now but last year i came from a small private school too.. io went from 60 kids per a grade to over 600.

    for me.. the first two weeks had nothing to do with friends... i was just lost in such a big school... i joined volleyball and made alot of friends through that tho.   i would deffidently sugest joinging a soprt.. and just when u get to class sit by girls that look like they would be nice.  just talk to the people around u in your classes and you will be fine.. i was so scared the first day but now i loveeeeeeee high school... its tough at first but once you get through that part compared to your old private school its the best thing ever

    goood luckkkkkk

  3. u might not be super popular at first but u will find a few people who reach out to u to be nice and u will become friends with some

    and eventually u will find a group of people to hang out with

    i wouldn't worry about it

    its kind of good that its a new school for everyone in ur grade

    that might make it easier

  4. You have to understand that you are not the only one who is feeling the same way.  So pay attention to other students, especially the ones who are also new and dont know anyone.  Its always important to make an effort as you cant just expect others to do so.  Put it in your head now and start getting determind to make it a positive experience and you will be glad you did.  Everyone needs a friend, and from my experience of moving when I was younger, and being in the military with kids who had to change schools, they were too shy but they quickly over came it by joining things, and making an effort to speak to people.  Believe it or not, there are going to be others just like you there.  My oldest is going into 9th, and we have moved many times, so this is the experience I am speaking from.  Join anything and everything you can it will make it so much easier and its so healthy for you.  Good luck to you

  5. Some people WILL probably just come up and talk to you. Also in your classes you could meet new friends, sitting next to someone, doing a project with someone, etc. And you can have to try to be more outgoing, don't be afraid to start conversations with people.

  6. Calm  down sweety! =] Everything will be ok. One thing you can do to encourage people to talk to you  and like you is to SMILE a lot.

    This will make them feel more comfortable around you and more likely to be your friend.

    Remember this, some kids are CRULE and MEAN. Stay away from them and ignore them.

    Also keep a positive attitude and say to yourself, "Hey, this is going to be a great year and I'm going to enjoy it, NO MATTER WHAT."

    Good luck! Welcome to high school! =D

  7. Just conquor your fears and talk to everyone that talks to you.

    Be your self...

    Public school isn't hard at all.

  8. lol u sound JUST LIKE ME! even tho it sounds super corny, eye contact and smiling while talking really work! again, this will sound like sumthing a  loser does, but PRACTICE YOUR SMILE in the mirror! you dont want to look like you got gas or anything, so this is SUPER IMPORTANT! well any way, good luck.

    (ps:ive gone through this before; but i sucked it up and went anyway, focused on studies and being as bubbley as possible, and now i have the 4 best friends anyone could ever have!=]  good luck!)

  9. Relax, calm down. Since your a freshmen you'll meet other freshmens just feeling what u r EXACTLY feeling. Dont worry,  you'll probably meet friends right away. just don't panic stay calm.

  10. I was the same way years ago... surprisingly the students will recognize you and i would bet that they will approach you.  Just try to be yourself and things will unfold on their own

  11. No one is going to talk to you. It isnt 2nd grade. Good luck though.

  12. Make sure you dont freak out! High School is fun all you have to do is mingle with all kinds of people and figure out which ones you like even though your the "new kid" some people don't care and they will talk to you. Not all of the upper classmen are mean and be yourself. i wish i was a freshman again it was a little scary but meeting new people and having more freedom made it seem smaller than what it really seems. the first days are  weird only because everyone has something to say and not enought time to tell it all. don't worry its fun and great once things start!

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