
What will happen to me if i sleep with a girl who went for an abortion today?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Don't have s*x, and for petes sakes, wear a condom

  2. Your unit will shrivel up and fall off.  What a gross question!

  3. I think it depends what you mean by "sleep with". If you offer her a warm reassuring cuddle then good on you but if you demand s*x from her when she is already probably feeling rotten, you deserve a slap in the face.

  4. My friend said he did same thing and his girlfriend died, but i think she died from the abortion and not from him sleeping with her sad...if i were you i would give her time, she needs to repair phisically and recooperate mentally...immagine someone cutting off your balls or something, would you wanna sleep with a girl afterwards? Give it time and be there for her emotionally, and for the love of god buy condoms! why kill babies, condoms dont have a heart and a possible future, use em please!

  5. Before?   Nothing

    After?  Infection

  6. ? you'll feel really bad and go to h**l for killing your child?

  7. She could get an infection. If she had an abortion she/you don't need to be sleeping with anyone, until you are both ready to be responsible for your actions instead of killing a living being so you don't have to deal with it

  8. Gross, grow up. Why would you want to be with someone that would willingly kill their child?

  9. I don't think anything will really happen.  But maybe you should wait a few days to be sure.

  10. WOW I am shocked by this question. DON'T BE SILLY WRAP THAT d**n WILLY! Have you even thought about how she feels??? Maybe she doesn't want too sleep with your sorry ***. She is suppose too avoid having sexual content for a few weeks. Something traumatic just happened too her. Have a lil respect !!!!

  11. UH, did you not learn your lesson the first time? BTW: Her doctor will tell her to refrain from s*x for a while.


  12. Um, gross.

    Why would you sleep with someone like that?

    She has no regards for life, and furthermore probably has an STD.

    Furthermore, she probably can't have s*x for the next 6 weeks to 2 months.

  13. no s*x for 6 weeks and have her go on the pill before s*x

  14. I would think that the girl would be more interested in letting her body heal and dealing w/the possible grief associated w/what just happened.  

  15. Some people never learn. Wrap it up buddy.

  16. she is not allowed to have s*x for 6-8 weeks after the abortion so if she is planning to have her wait, as for what happens to you, nothing. I had a friend that went for one (against my advice) and then had s*x 3 days later and she got an infection, just to be safe find another girl or think of other alternatives to intercourse.

    for those few idiots that answered before me and was saying he will go to h**l, what makes you think its his baby, did he say it was? you need to start learning when to not judge a person.

  17. Sure let's go sleep with a girl who got knocked up, and then killed her unborn baby, that makes sense. Use protection, and maybe some brains.

  18. nothing will happen to you, but i do however find it very insensitive of you to think about something like that after what she's been through...

    i doubt she'd feel in the "mood" for that anyways. and might even be sore. way to be selfish!

  19. probably go to h**l that is very very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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