
What will happen to me if i take Ginko Biloba, Pharmaton, Prebio 7, Neurozan, tablets all in one day?

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I take Ginko Biloba to keep my blood flowing (Cholestrol)

I take Pharmaton to stay awake

I take Neurozan for my brain

I take Pre Bio 7 because i have Low fibre and digestion system is not at its best?




  1. Try Rhodiola Rosea for energy and omega 3 for your brain. Ginkyo Biloba is safe and well tolerated. You can't take it if you're on blood thinners such as warfarin.

    I haven't come across Pharmaton or Nurozan before, but I'm assuming that they're supplements, in which case they should be safe to take with the Ginkyo.

  2. You'll continue to waste your money. You don't need this junk. Eat a healthy diet, it'll do a lot more good than the filthy chemicals in those tablets

  3. you will get sick or die from overdose

  4. Obviously the Neurozan is not working too well yet because otherwise your brain will tell you the following..............

    Ask your Doctor for medical advice, not some stranger on Yahoo Answers!

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