
What will happen to me & my dog! My dog had a fight with another dog and the other dog was hurt?

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I have a pit bull by no means a viscious dog however he is protective if needed. He like to play with other dogs as well , age 2yrs old. He has bit a person about 2-3mo. ago in protecting my son. Animal services put him in home quarintine for 10days and observed his behavior when coming out to my home and can see he was calm. However last night I took him out on a leash and harnest to use the bathroom, and neighbors PUG saw him and started to bark crazy @ him and caused him to take off towards them and his leash was unexpectedly yanked out of my hands. The lady was screaming loud and grabbing my dogs skin with 2 hands screaming and yanking on him by the time I got over there. Finally I was able to get my dog away from it all and her dog came running back to my dog and they went @ it again. So again i got my dog away from it all, and again neighbors dog comes back for more, and then takes off to his house. the woman went chasing him and asked if I can please get her leash and umbrella for her as she ran home. However she left a note on my door that she had to take her dog to vet today and he has puncture wounds and animal services will be coming by that she just wanted me to be aware of situation. What on earth do I do, what will happen now considering he has a past bite recorded already. However this incident is now between 2 dogs??? HELP!!!!!




  1. It depends a lot on where you are, and some more details of the history.  For example, was the person he bit a member of your family and did they require medical treatment?

    Was the other dog loose or on a leash?

    Did the incident occur on private property or on the sidewalk?

    It kind of sounds to me like both owners were negligent in the control of their dogs, but I wasn't there.  I'm going only by what you said, and animal control will be going by what each of you says.

    In future, it would be best not to walk a powerful dog like a pit on a harness.  As you discovered, it is too easy for them to lean into the harness and take off in spite of you.  Remember that harnesses are specifically designed for pulling.  They not only make it easier to pull, they encourage it.  You need something with more leverage.  

    Enroll your dog in obedience classes and put him through a Canine Good Citizen test.  This kind of documentation can be helpful in some instances, but again it depends a lot on where you live.

    I think that in most areas it would come down to you possibly paying the vet bills of the other dog, or possibly paying half (if it is found both owners were negligent).

    You rendered assistance, and that goes in your favor.

    I think you'll just have to wait and see what animal control has to say.  Yes, the worst case scenario is that they euthanize him, but I kind of think that is unlikely.  If there is no pit bull ban in your area, I think it would be more likely that the worst that would happen would be having him declared vicious and requiring that he be muzzled and on a short leash when off your property.

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