
What will happen to my Adjourned in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD)?

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I Live in NYC and a few days ago i was given a summons because i "failed to comply with a sign." I was at the park playing sports without knowing that public parks close at 9:00 pm. I wasn't really doing anything wrong, just playing sports. My question is that i got an ACD on a previous charge on an account of Petty Larceny. I asked the police officer if this will affect my ACD, but he said it wouldn't because i wasn't arrested. Then someone else said it might. Can someone with legal experience tell me what might happen to my ACD? And how big of a charge is "Failure to comply with a sign"? Thank You to those who try to help, I appreciate it.




  1. An ACD last six months and it's over. The charge of being in the park after dark is not a crime, just a fine. No record, it's a fine like littering so relax.

  2. To affect your ACD, you must be arrested for some sort of crime. In this case, you've only been given a fine. It will not affect your ACD.

    "In U.S. criminal law, Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal, or ACD, may be offered to a defendant in the interest of justice with a view toward ultimate dismissal of the charge (see e.g. New York Criminal Procedure Law, Section 170.55). The case is usually adjourned for a period of six months (sometimes a year) after which time the case will be dismissed as long as the defendant has stayed out of trouble, i.e., has not gotten arrested again. It is NOT a form of probation nor a conviction."

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