
What will happen to my body if i diet ??

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I weigh 108 poundish and im 5'6 and 16 yrs old. Im obbsessed with my weight and i think i've started to notice i mite be gaining weight but i dont no cuz my mom wont allow me to have a scale.

Say I eat like a 100-200 calorie breakfast

200-300 calorie lunch

300-500 calorie dinner??? idk

Sometimes I dont eat as much as i should but will my body go into starvation mode will i gain weight or anything?? I wanna stay as i am and not get any bigger but i dont wanna get to small and i dont wanna starve my self.

Also does taking vitamins make u gain weight? cuz i recently started taking the flinstones chewables and it seems like i am gaining!




  1. You do not need to loose weight.

  2. your gonna be skinny !

  3. ur freakin slim girl...if u gain weight im pretty sure it will be in areas that happen when u grow up, u know hips and b*****s and the thighs and bum (as u need that area to store that fat there to have healthy children later in life) and not as if u were getting fat...and vitamins do not make u gain weight lol...its calories unused that do...i think u have an issue with ur body image is what it is...because once u reach adulthood ur  underweight if u stay at 108 at that height and ur doc will advise u to gain a few esp if u have minor problems with menstration and bone growth and what concider seeing a therapist.

  4. You will lose weight.

  5. If you are sixteen years old

    Health Plan:

    a two-step approach for active teens

    A four- day example guide full of yummy, healthy meals, plus an exercise plan!

    Day #1:


    -honey nut cheerios

    - natural orange juice


    -whole-grain cinnamon raisin

    bagel w/ peanut butter

    -no sugar added applesauce

    -sugar snap peas

    -skim milk


    -low-fat yogurt with granola


    -Grilled Salmon

    -grilled green and red peppers

    -canned, light syrup peaches

    -skim milk

    -whole grain bread


    -dark chocolate bar

    <><><><><><><> exercise

    Jog outside or on the

    Treadmill for 30 min and

    10 crunches, 3 reps

    Day #2:


    -whole-grain bread toast

    w/ peanut butter


    -natural orange juice


    -light canned tuna with


    -mint (no more tuna breath)


    -sweet corn

    -natural apple juice


    -raisin, pretzel, and

    unsalted peanut mix


    -brown rice, snow peas,

    shrimp, red pepper

    stir fry


    -skim milk

    <><><><><><><><> exercise

    Do 30 reps of crunches and

    Lunges for 4 intervals, then

    Jog 2o minutes

    Day #3:


    -regular cheerios with


    -natural orange juice


    -lean turkey, skim milk

    cheese, mustard on whole

    wheat bread

    -baby carrots


    -skim milk


    -veggies dipped in low

    fat ranch dressing


    -chicken Caesar salad with

    low fat dressing

    -mandarin orange slices

    -whole grain bread


    -strawberries and light

    cool whip

    <><><><><><><> exercise

    Walk for 5 min, then run for

    5 min. Repeat for 30 min. Day #4:


    -blueberry bagel with

    low fat cream cheese

    -natural orange juice


    -peach-pineapple salsa

    -lean ground beef

    -baked Tostitos



    -Fruit Leather fruit roll


    -lean pork chops

    -green beans

    -mashed cinnamon and

    buttered (I can’t believe

    its not butter!) sweet



    <><><><><><> exercise

    Lift weights for 20 min.

    Jog 2o minutes



    -skim milk

    -fat free dressing

    -all natural fruit cups, juice, ect.

    -dark chocolate

    -2% cheese

    - sugar free gum

    -regular water is better than flavored water

    -fat free creams, whips, ect.

    -“reduced fat” is a scam, use “lite/light”

    -fat free yogurt

    -look for cereals that have whole grain, fiber, protein, vitamins, low fat and low cholesterol (if none)

    -trans and saturated fats = bad

    -mono and poly unsaturated fats = good

    -watch portions, not amount of calories

    -have dessert 3 times a week

    -pack a lunch

    -lean lunch meat

    -take money off of your account at school so that you won’t be tempted to buy lunch


    -drink water while exercising

    -drink powerade, Gatorade, vitamin water, ect. after a workout

    -its more fun with a friend

    -listening to music or watching TV is fun too

    -stretch five minutes into a workout and immediately after a workout

    -walk to get your heart rate down after a workout

    -keep your heart rate up by not stopping frequently

    -it gets easier every time

    -keep an exercise journal

    -weigh yourself once a month, not once a day

    -don’t exercise on practice nights

    Use this page to jot down your own meal plans and exercise patterns.

    okay i know this is long but it will help you i promise!!! HAVE FUN!!!

  6. You don't need to lose weight, I think you might be underweight for your height.

  7. ......wut do you think YOU WILL LOSE WAIT

  8. If the vitamins are making you gain weight, it's probably a GOOD thing.  Vitamins make up for what you aren't getting from food.  From what you've mentioned, it looks like your eating only a thousand calories a day which, for your height, probably isn't enough to get in all the nutrients.  I wouldn't recommend anyone under 20 dieting unless they have a terrible problem with overeating.  You are not grown and you don't want to confuse your body.  Eating well keeps your metabolism going so don't bother with losing weight until your body is developed more fully.  To maintain your weight, do what you've been doing.  You have a very low weight so you can probably expect that you might gain weight as your body develops, but still don't deprive your body of what it needs.  

  9. first off if your only 16 lets face some facts your still growing your going to grow until about 18 for most pepoloe that is. flinstones or any other will not make you gain weight in anyway as far as calories gor you seem to be doing well, its the fat calories you need to watch out for if you read on the label it normaly say calories and then calories from fat and that you dont want alot of.  now the body need fat it needs it to burn it gets more from it then most pepole think and its not what you eat but how much of it your eating .

  10. Please don't diet! 108 is small enough, we don't need anymore Nicole Richie's out there!!

  11. "DIETING" is for idiots.  It's too bad that you are made to feel obsessed with your weight so early in your life.  I'll be you are just gorgeous but you only see problems.  Your body is going to gain weight just by virtue of maturing and nothing to do with what you eat. Instead of weight, I would seriously suggest you consider FITNESS as your yardstick.  If you are fit you are healthy.  Tell me, how healthy to you think a WWII concentration camp inmate was from being worked to death and denied proper nutrition.  Sure enough they were skinny but fit?  Not a chance.  Give yourself a break and start learning to like yourself for who you are rather than for who your not. Also, throw those G.D. beauty magazines away.  They are c**p and lies.

  12. Be thinner!

  13. It will break into little peices and bums with rape you and eat you till your gone.

  14. ur weight is 108 pound that is relly light and ur 16 and most 12 to 14 teen weight abot 107 to 110 u should eat a little bit more at least 2,000  calories if you don't not gonna get enough brain power

  15. You will get skinny.  You're already skinny.  Why make yourself skinnier?  That would make you look anorexic.  That would be gross.  I don't think you should go on a diet.  That would be so sick!  Sorry!  

  16. 1. You don't get enough minimum calories a day, so if you get lots of exercise in a day you'll lose weight, but don't get any exercise and you'll gradually gain weight (a minuscule amount per day though).

    2. Your body won't go "into starvation" but your keep it up long enough and your body will think it's normal to eat so little and thus leading to acute anorexia nervosa.

    3. Do not use up all your daily calories in exercise. Believe it or not your body uses calories even will sitting, typing, and walking around the house.

    4. Vitamins will not make you gain weight. The only thing that could is that Flinstones vitamins contain sugars to make them sweet and to appeal to children. You should be fore warned that some vitamins may affect your metabolism depending on what's in them. The best way to avoid is to speak with your doctor or a dietician.

  17. You sound like you're heading for trouble.  Live a normal life with normal nutrients while you're growing up and you won't end up a  brain-twisted adult who can't sleep without sedatives and can't shut up and listen while awake.

  18. OMFG.

    ugh seriously, girls like you need to get over theirselves.

    you are at a perfect weight, maybe a little less than how much you should weigh.

    if you go on a diet you will practically ruin your body.

    your ammune system will be pathetic and you will have bad bone structure.


    i've met pigs with more self-esteem than you.

  19. simple

    if your clothes feel loose, you are losing.

    If your clothes feel tight,  guess what?

  20. You are already underweight for your heigth.....Your body will only let you lose so much weight before it becomes unhealthy and you get sick....HUGS!! If you want to lose inches....exercise...

  21. I think your looking at yourslef in a diffrent way. 108 punds for a 5'6 16 year old girl is actully underweight. i think your jsut thinkg you are fat. From experience people start to talk about you when you lose weight and its embarrising. They think you can control your self and think you need help. some even come up to you. my friends kidna went through that

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